Category: Blog
Author: Cat Kelly
In one of those eerie, ‘the Universe SO provides’ twists, Deb’s new neighbor turned out to be our new able-to-do-anything-you-could-never-need guy. Between him, his family and friends, in no time, those drawings on graph paper Cat obsessed over started turning into walls. This was getting r-e-a-l!!!!
Category: Blog
Author: Cat Kelly
We hit the road for our first buying trip foray to the International New Age Trade Show in Denver. Rows and rows of gorgeous, fascinating stuff and booths overflowing with books … but yes, a few disappointments as well. (‘Whaddya mean there are no food booths here?!?’) BUT we survived and bought so much wonderful stuff we had to rent a U-haul to bring it home … and NOW we really were a store. We had stuff to sell!
Category: Blog
Author: Cat Kelly
Category: Blog, Staff Picks
Author: Cat Kelly
My first experience working with the energy of crystals was being dragged with a friend to a class at Pathways in St. Louis. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve always liked rocks. They’re pretty, decorative, interesting. But the idea that they had healing or energetic powers seemed a L-I-T-T-L-E wacko to me. Just sayin’.
Thankfully, the woman leading the class, (an amazing teacher and powerful soul — the late Deborah Bourbon, founder and owner of Pathways), ignored my oozing skepticism. Instead, she thrust a clear quartz point into my palm and told me we would begin with a meditation to ‘charge the stone’ to be our guide in working with the rest of the stones. (Um, sure. ‘Cause stones, like, talk too, I guess. Whatever.) It was a nice meditation, but of course I felt nothing from the quartz crystal clasped in my sweaty palm. Confirmation this was all nonsense, just as I’d known all along. I mean, really!?!