Sacred Stone Grids & Greeting Card Inserts

My first experience working with the energy of crystals was being dragged with a friend to a class at Pathways in St. Louis.  Don’t get me wrong – I’ve always liked rocks.  They’re pretty, decorative, interesting.  But the idea that they had healing or energetic powers seemed a L-I-T-T-L-E wacko to me.  Just sayin’.

Thankfully, the woman leading the class, (an amazing teacher and powerful soul — the late Deborah Bourbon, founder and owner of Pathways), ignored my oozing skepticism.  Instead, she thrust a clear quartz point into my palm and told me we would begin with a meditation to ‘charge the stone’ to be our guide in working with the rest of the stones.  (Um, sure. ‘Cause stones, like, talk too, I guess. Whatever.)    It was a nice meditation, but of course I felt nothing from the quartz crystal clasped in my sweaty palm.  Confirmation this was all nonsense, just as I’d known all along.  I mean, really!?!

Then Deborah told me I was holding the stone wrong.  The point was supposed to be directed up my arm, not outward as I was holding it, she said.  Big whoop.   I shrugged and scooched the quartz round right.  And felt a jolt of energy run right up my arm.

Suddenly I wasn’t feeling nearly so smug or skeptical.  I didn’t understand it, had NO idea what it was, but it was pretty clear something was going on.  Before the six weeks of that class was over, I found myself lying on the floor of that bookstore surrounded by a grid of stones, with still more stones placed down my face and torso.  Sure, there were still those moments of ‘My god, I have lost my mind.  What the @#$*@ am I DOING???’   But then there was the reality of that amazing energy swirling round and through me, an energy that shifted and changed ever so subtly with each grid she had us try.  Sometimes it seemed to encircle me.  Others, it washed over me like an invisible shower or formed a lazy river figure eight across the middle of my torso.  Then there was that buzz from the stones on my forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, belly, and root chakra.  And I wasn’t the only one.  Everyone in the class reported similar sensations, which gave me some hope I hadn’t gone completely crazy.

Whatever this was, why ever it was, it was clearly both real and potent.  I became – and remain – a believer in the power of crystals.   (I have since learned that crystals are used in lasers to direct & focus energy … news that did make my skeptical soul ease up on the rest of me a tad.)

All of which brings me to the Staff Pick of the Week!  Sacred Stone GridsCrystals do work together and when you vary the formation in which you place crystals, you also vary the energy.  Those who work with crystals have identified certain stones and certain formations that produce certain kinds of energy.  So, say, e.g. that you want to bring some protective energy into your life – or some prosperity energy. By choosing certain stones and placing them in certain proximities to one another, you ‘amp’ up that kind of energy in the area around you, which in turn acts much like a homing signal that attracts other ‘like’ energy into your space and life.

Heart, Body, & Soul is going to be offering a number of Sacred Stone classes for those of you interested in learning to work with crystals in more depth so definitely stay tuned for those.  (YOUR turn to lay on the floor of a bookstore surrounded by stones!!)   In the meantime, you can start playing with creating your own grids, in the privacy of your own home, with these Sacred Stone Grids from Spirit Whisperings.

If you’re feeling generous, you can also share them with your friends with our Sacred Stone Greeting Card Inserts.  These are mini grids that come with their own set of mini-stones and instructions for how to set up the grid — all the perfect size to slip into a greeting card and send to a friend.  (Or you can just buy them for yourself.)   However you choose to use them – they are definitely worth checking out; which is why they’re the Staff Pick of the Week!

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