Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Mark your calendars for the second-annual HBS Mardi Gras Celebration!!
Sunday, February 26, from 12:30 – 6:00 pm. It’s a P-A-R-T-Y!! So don your Mardi Gras finery and come join us for a celebration of all things Carnival — live music, King Cake, lots of crazy games, door prizes, and all-around good times. What’s not to love??? See you soon. 🙂
Category: Blog, Coffee & Conversation, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
We started out resolved. Really we did. Much like the will-powered New Year’s Resolutions we were going to talk about at our final Coffee & Conversation of the year. But let’s face it – even the title showed our ambivalence: New Year’s Resolutions – Yay or Yuck?? Sure enough, we wound up ditching the conversation topic about as quickly as we ditch our New Year’s Resolutions.
Instead, we chose to spend the last day of 2016 talking about Bucket Lists – what do you want to do or experience before you kick the bucket. The stuff you’re passionate about, the stuff you daydream about. The FUN stuff. The meaningful stuff. The stuff you’ll look back upon when you’re on your deathbed with a smile and fist pump of satisfaction.
Let’s face it, sticking to a diet or losing X number of pounds by D-day – not even close to bucket-list worthy. Nobody on their deathbed sighs with satisfaction over their fastidious calorie-counting. But a life filled with vibrant energy and health? THAT’s bucket-list worthy. So here’s an idea: ditch the diet goals and put Vibrant Health on your bucket list instead, along with all the other things you want to check off in this lifetime:
Screw the resolutions. They only mock our inability to stick to them, leaving us feeling like failures because we only made it to the gym once this week instead of the resolved three times a week. Who needs that?? So what if we really, REALLY enjoyed the rum balls at the office Christmas party?? We also went sledding with the kids until we were all breathless with laughter and pink with the cold against our cheeks. We treated ourselves to a deliciously relaxing gentle yoga class. We took a walk through the park over the lunch hour and laughed out loud watching the squirrels chatter and chase each other, created a delicious dinner of locally grown produce we had a blast picking out at the Farmer’s Market AND shared the recipe with our tribe of awesome friends. Or we have really talented friends who enjoy creating delicious dinners that we enjoy sharing. (Some of us, as we have previously pointed out, are really good at NOT cooking and we claim that.)
Vibrant health? Check.
No failures here.
Heart, Body, & Soul has a free coffee & conversation gathering every Saturday morning from 10:30-11:30 am. We provide the coffee, herbal tea, yummy munchies, and the topic. YOU provide the conversation. Up this first month of the new year for those of you interested in dropping by to join us, include Energy Fields & Chakras (Jan 7), Vision Quests (Jan 14), Reiki (Jan 21), and Tarot (Jan 28).
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
2017 is upon us! Some of us are happy to bid 2016 farewell and welcome the arrival of the New Year with open arms. Others of us may be feel like we’re being dragged kicking and screaming into 2017. Either way it’s coming — so what can we do to make it the best it can be?? We have some ideas for you, starting with closing out 2016 right. HBS is closed New Year’s Day, but we ARE open New Year’s Eve, so before you go out to begin your celebrating (or mourning as the case may be), consider these:
And once the New Year has officially begun, we have some new events that can help you make the best of it.
Coming up in January, 2017:
Category: New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Many of us are ready for a ‘Great Reconciliation’ — between genders, races, religion, between humanity and the Cosmos itself. If you count yourself in that number, you have a chance this month to explore that concept with others of like mind, thanks to Tami Brunk, who will be leading a weekend of workshops Dec 9-11 on just those topics! Tami is a Master Shamanic Astrologer and Active Dream Teacher, as well as founder of the Sky Apprentice Program. She is also co-founder of the popular teleclass series Inanna Rising / Venus Alchemy and Getting Personal with the Goddess. This month, she’s bringing her Weekend Program: The Great Reconciliation: Restoring the Bond Between Masculine and Feminine, Humanity and the Cosmos to HBS! You can attend any one of these workshops as stand-alone workshops or you can combine them to take advantage of package deal prices. Read on to see what’s in store:
Friday (3:30-6 PM) kicks the weekend off with an afternoon workshop offering a 2017 Astrology Forecast & Collective Visioning. In this coming year, we are called upon to gather as a Tribe to share our gifts, knowledge, wisdom, and light as never before. This workshop invites us to connect with our Collective Cosmic Genius to take radical responsibility for co-creating the world we all long for. $25 if taken as a stand-alone workshop, though there is an early bird discount available if register online in advance — see registration info below for how.
Saturday (12-6 PM) is a time for women to gather together to Meet the Goddess Within: A Women’s Initiatory Workshop. We encounter the Goddess within, the Goddess unique to each of us. We review our lives through Her lens and bring healing to the wounding we have experienced as women in a culture just beginning to remember Her. We claim Her full-bodied presence in our lives through movement and guided journeys. $65 if taken as a stand-alone workshop, though there is an early bird discount available if register online in advance — see registration info below for how.
Sunday (12:30-6 PM) people of all genders gather for a Meeting the Inner Beloved Co-Ed Workshop designed to bring healing and co-creative awareness to the Masculine-Feminine dance known as the Sacred Marriage. Men, you will meet and claim your Inner Beloved, the personal Goddess who holds the key to your awakening. Women, you will meet and claim your Inner Beloved, the personal God / Awakened Masculine who holds the key to your full blossoming. $65 if taken as stand-alone workshop, though there is an early bird discount available if register online in advance — see registration info below for how.
If you want to take advantage of the entire weekend, you can attend all three workshops for $135 or you can choose just the Sat & Sun workshops for $120. BUT check out the early bird specials on the package deals, too:
Early-bird discounts: Walk-ins are welcome, but if you register in advance and pay through Tami’s website, you can get take advantage of her early bird special pricing. Stand-alone workshop prices w/ Early Bird Discount are Friday ($20), Sat ($55) and Sun ($55). The entire weekend package price drops to $120 w/ the Early Bird Discount and the Sat / Sun package price drops to $100. To get these prices, go to
Still unsure if this is the right workshop for you? Check out Tami’s website for more information.
(We recommend starting with the testimonials of those who have worked with her before!
Category: New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Noted Witch, Writer, Teacher, & Healing Practitioner, Christopher Penczak will be coming back to HBS on November 17, 2016 for a free Meet & Greet and Book-Signing (6-7 pm) followed by a workshop on Animal Spirits, Totems, & Familiars (7-9 pm). The author of over 20 books (most of which you can find here at HBS!), Christopher is the co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft and its 5-level Mystery School, with each year associated with one of the four elements of Fire (Inner Temple of Witchcraft), Earth (Outer Temple of Witchcraft), Water (Shamanic Temple of Witchcraft), & Air (Temple of High Witchcraft / Ceremonial Magick & the Qabala). The the fifth and final Seminary Year of the Temple Mystery School, The Living Temple of Witchcraft, is the Temple’s Seminary program and corresponds to Spirit. (Learn more at Christopher is a sought after teacher internationally as well as nationally, the winner of many awards for his books, and a widely-respected healer and teacher of all paths Magickal. We are so excited to be his host here at HBS!
Feel free to drop in for the Meet & Greet and bring any of his books you may already own for him to sign or pick up new ones here, including his newest book, The Witch’s Book of Spells. If you want to attend the workshop, please call to register in advance as Christopher’s events nearly always sell out and space for that is limited.
Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Can you believe it’s been a YEAR since we opened our doors?? We can’t. (Though, oddly, at the same time it kinda feels like we’ve been here forever. Go figure.) But it’s true! We had our Grand Opening on Halloween Weekend, 2015 — and we think that’s a tradition that should continue.
So we will be holding our SECOND annual Grand Opening on Halloween Weekend, 2016. October 29 and 30 to be exact. So much fun stuff will be happening, from live music, tasty munchies, and great costumes (yours AND ours, of course!) to back-to-back free workshops on House Clearings, Psychic Vampires, & Ancestor Reverence Across Spiritual Traditions. Mixed in you’ll find the best deals in town on awesome services like Henna Tattoos, Microscopic Photography of your very own favorite crystal(s), Tarot Readings, Ear Candling, Mini-sessions on the Amythest Biomat and a chance to check out the fab energy of a crystal-gridded copper pyramid.
On Saturday, we will also be giving away door prizes every hour on the hour AND a grand prize $100 gift certificate to some lucky winner, so definitely you’ll want to stop by and get your name in the raffle basket! Did I mention we also have our brand new Heart, Body, & Soul tee shirts & sweatshirts 20% off this weekend? Special anniversary editions and when they’re gone, they’re gone, so … jump while the gettin’s good!
Saturday night will be a Samhain Ritual & Celebration (open to all, regardless of faith tradition) and we close out the weekend Sunday afternoon with Rune Readings and Animal Communications by Pet Psychic Kathy Paradise, as well as a hands-on workshop on Brooms, Besoms, and Stangs with the talented Rachael Mueller, where you’ll get a chance to both learn about the traditions and materials and to actually make your own Witch’s Broom in the traditional fashion. So checkout the event schedule below and mark your calendar to join us. Will be a great way to kick off your own Halloween celebrations!! And by the way … thanks for a great first year. Truly.
Saturday Workshops:
10:30-11:30 Coffee & Conversation: The Legends & Metaphysical Uses of Crystal Skulls w/ Paula Curry [Free]
1:00 – 2:00 House Clearings w/ Erin Angst Baker [Free]
2:30-3:30 Psychic Vampires w/ Chazrick Sidhe [Free]
4:00 – 5:30 Ancestor Reverence Across Spiritual Traditions w/ Nicole Wei, Paula Curry, & Cat Kelly [Free]
6:30 – 8:00 Samhain Ritual Celebration w/ Nancy Tanner-Thies [Free]
Saturday Events:
10:00-2:00 Tarot Readings w/ Chazrick Sidhe [$15 / 15 minutes]
12:00 – 6:00 Ear Candling Sessions w/ Mary Cruise [$20]
12:00-6:00 Mini-Crystal Healing Sessions w/ Lynn Wobig — Amethyst Biomat or Crystal-Gridded Copper Pyramid [$15]
12:00-6:00 Henna Tattoos w/ Tyana Washington ($6 / $9 / $11)
12:00-6:00 Micro-Crystal Photography w/ Tish Eggerton — Bring your favorite crystal and get an up close & way personal photo digitally sent to you [$15/ Photo]
Sunday Workshops:
1:00-4:00 Brooms, Besoms, & Stangs, Oh My! w/ Rachael Mueller [$40 + Staff (Bring Your Own or Buy One Here for $10)]
1:00 – 6:00 Your choice of Rune Readings or Animal Communication by Pet Psychic and Rune-master, Kathy Paradise [$15 / 15 minutes]
1:00 – 6:00 Micro-Crystal Photography w/ Tish Eggerton
Category: Blog, New News, Staff Picks
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Welcome to HERB TALK, a monthly column highlighting the teas we carry and each herb in them, as well as our single healers. This first column will focus on one of HBS’s signature teas, HBS #1. For those of you who haven’t made it to the shop yet to see for yourselves, Heart Body and Soul has quite a collection of teas and herbs. Most of these teas boast healing actions that address specific issues, while a few of them are tasty (what I call) “sippin’ teas” (and some serve both purposes). Whatever the actions, they are all good! And you say you’re not a tea drinker? Well, I didn’t think I was either, except for the occasional glass of Southern sweet iced tea! But I surprised myself! HBS #1 grew from the need of a young employee for a soothing, calming tea that would not only help mood and headaches but that was also fragrant and tasted good. This being the very first tea I ever created (mixed on the spur of the moment!), I was definitely guided by Spirit to the 4 herbs that are in this calming blend (“Put this and this. Oh, and this, and this one!”): Chamomile flowers, Lavender flowers, Lemonbalm leaf and Spearmint leaf. The information in this article just skims the surface of all the helpful services these herbs provide! So, read on for these basics. German Chamomile
I used to grow Chamomile in my herb garden and it was a beautiful plant, covered when blooming with tiny daisy-like flowers (it is usually the flowers that are used, though the leaves may be, too). HBS #1 has German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) as its main ingredient. There are several related species of this herb but we carry German in the shop. When I think of Chamomile, I think “calming”. It may be used for anxiety, insomnia, indigestion, sore throat (gargle), the inflammation of gingivitis (mouth rinse), and inflamed, irritated eyes (eyewash), among others. It speeds the healing of wounds when applied externally and offers support for the nervous system. Adding chamomile tea to bath water creates a soothing bath. Infused into a massage oil, it is good for relieving stress, anxiety and muscle soreness. It supports digestion by stimulating peristalsis and relaxing the stomach.
Contraindications: Some people are allergic to Chamomile, so if itchy eyes, a runny nose or scratchy throat develop when using it, discontinue its use.
Lavender (Lavendula officinalis, among other species) is a fragrant herb whose flowers may be found in many tea and essential oil blends, salves, tinctures, massage oils, perfumes and bath products. Like Chamomile, Lavender is useful with digestive issues, relaxing any nervous tension that may be causing digestive spasms or colic. For headaches, including migraines, try blending with Feverfew, or Lemon balm and Scullcap. Toss a muslin tea bag full of Lavender buds into your bath for a relaxing, tension-easing, end-of-day experience. Rosemary Gladstar (my herbal mentor/teacher),* recommends massaging a few drops of essential oil of Lavender onto the nape of the neck, temples, and/or feet and relaxing on the couch with a Lavender-filled eye pillow over the eyes for “calming relief” of headaches or stress/nervous tension. And isn’t it handy that we carry a roll-on Lavender oil that can easily be rolled onto the body (temples, wrists, soles of the feet, and nape of neck)!
Lavender has powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic actions. It is effective when used for strep, staph, colds and flu. Use the essential oil for nail fungus or ringworm, with or without tea tree oil. Use the oil on scrapes, wounds, burns and bug bites (bees, mosquitoes). As a tea or tincture, blend with St. John’s Wort and Milky Oats for easing grief and depression. Mix with Passionflower and Scullcap (in a tea or tincture) for insomnia or restless sleep. (When buying Lavender, it is best to use the buds, as the medicinal properties are not as strong in opened flowers and won’t last as long.) Rosemary says of Lavender: “A potent healing plant, it is a crone among herbs — wise, ancient, and powerful.”
Contraindications: Though highly recommended for topical use with pregnant women (rubbing the oil on the lower back and feet during labor, for example, may strengthen contractions), Rosemary recommends against “using it internally in large amounts,” and, as always, a pregnant woman should check with her doctor first. More information is available at
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a member of the mint family. The leaves and flowers are both usable. An invitation for bees and butterflies to visit your garden, it can become quite prolific. Mine started its life in my garden in the front beds and eventually hopped over into our back yard! We didn’t mind, though; it was beautiful and smelled so good when we rubbed our hands over it.
Melissa is a nerve tonic, a calming relaxant. It is beneficial not only for the nervous system but the digestive system as well. It is a strong antiviral, used to treat herpes and shingles. It helps relieve general exhaustion. With children it may be used to treat ADD and ADHD, as well as recurring nightmares.As a tea, use it to flavor less tasty herbs. It may be eaten in salads and blended into fruit drinks. It also makes a tasty tincture.
Contraindications: Lemon balm is a “thyroid inhibitor”, according to Rosemary, so it is recommended that those with hypothyroidism or low thyroid activity, use only under the guidance of an herb-knowledgeable health-care practitioner.
Spearmint (Mentha spicata) is, according to Rosemary, “the mother of all mints.” It is primarily the leaves of Spearmint that are used and this herb is “cool, refreshing, uplifting”, being sweeter and milder than peppermint.
Spearmint tends to be better for children. Blended with Lemon balm it works well for ADD, ADHD and anxiety. It also works well as a fever-reducer in children, blended with Catnip and Elder flowers. It is a mild digestive if taken before and/or after dinner. A mild stimulant with relaxing properties too, it blends well in mixtures for the nervous system, strengthening, calming and gently energizing at the same time. A simple way to enjoy it (in the summertime, especially)? Iced, with a pinch of stevia.
Contraindications: None! Spearmint is generally considered as safe for all.All of these beneficial actions (and more!) come along with the pleasing flavors in our tasty blend of HBS #1. If you haven’t tried it yet, think about it! Try it hot (or iced, with a touch of stevia or honey, for these long hot summer days), just to enjoy the mix of flavors, or for calming a stress headache or relaxing at the end of a long day. Delicious, calming and uplifting all at the same time: HBS #1! __________________________________
*Rosemary Gladstar is my primary “go-to herbal person”. I completed her on-line course years ago, and took classes with her and other herbal teachers at Wheaton College, Norton MA, during the two International Herb Symposiums ( I had the privilege to attend. I’m looking forward to attending again next summer. It is held every other year. Recipes for blends mentioned in this article, except HBS #1, may be found in Rosemary’s book, MEDICINAL HERBS: A Beginner’s Guide.
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
SO … turns out it IS the middle of July and we missed the post at the first of the month to let you know what to watch for this month! Hopefully, you are also keeping track of the fun stuff going on here by subscribing to our FB Events feed or to our site or by stopping in and picking up a paper calendar — and hence didn’t miss TOO much. But just to make sure everyone knows what’s coming up these last two weeks of July, here we are to bring you up to date. Late, but better late than never!
First, is a last minute addition to our calendar. Grant McPeetie, as some of you may know, is in the midst of an ongoing series of Tarot Workshops. Last Sunday, he covered two of the four suits of ‘small’ cards or ‘pips’ and we’ve added a Part II workshop to complete the other two this coming Sunday, July 17 from 1:30-3:30. If you missed Part I of this “Tarot 102” workshop and want to catch up, go ahead and come this Sunday and let us know you missed Part I. Grant has indicated a willingness to re-do the Part I portion between now and Tarot 103 coming up next month so everyone can get caught up. Cost is $15 per class — and you’ll want to bring your Tarot with you!
And then, we’re also starting a whole new series with Victoria Day this month: Wholly Movement — an incredible opportunity to identify and work with your own body’s resources and untapped capacities of creativity, cognition, sensation, intuition, spirit, emotion, action, function, and expression (whew!) … in a safe and fun environment. (If you know Victoria at all, you know everything she does will be fun!) This class isn’t just for jocks or yogis who can bend themselves into pretzels (though both groups would undoubtedly get a lot out of it). It is for ALL of us, designed to be accessible and enjoyable for the whole range of movement abilities. Zero experience or expertise is required. You just need a body and a desire to get more in touch with all its wonderfulness. This series will meet on the 3rd Wed of each month from July through November. Cost is $20 per class ($100 if paid monthly) or $80 if paid in full at the first class. Or you can get the really GOOD discount and get another 10% off by paying in full before the first class on July 20.
Want to explore a new kind of healing modality? This month you can both learn about and experience Theta Healing with Karen Fox. She’ll be doing individual Theta Healing sessions Fri & Sat, July 22-23 (30 minutes for $40 or 60 minutes for $75) and also leading a free Coffee & Conversation about the process on Sat, July 23. Cause really, now … who of us can’t use some good healing juju now and again?!? And that same day, Emelie Thibodeaux, will be offering her Reiki I training again.
Sun, July 24, you can learn more about what’s going on in your dreamy subconscious self with Susan Franck’s Intro to Dream Work workshop (2-4) for just $15. (You may have heard Susan talk about a bit about this at a couple of our Coffee & Conversations and if you did, you know this is going to be a GOOD workshop!)
Tricia Dietrich will be back with another hands-on Art-as-a-Spiritual-Practice workshop Sat, July 30 when she’ll have the group Making Prayer Flags. Cost is $40 and registration is requested so Tricia will know what she needs to bring in the materials arena. Give us a call at 573-777-6771 to get on the list.
And almost last but not least in the special events this month is the Crystal Grid & Pyramid Experience on Sunday, July 31. This is your chance to experience for yourself what all the buzz is about when folks talk about crystals and pyramids. We will have a number of crystal grids laid out on the floor of Studio around yoga mats, so you can lay down inside them and soak up the energy they provide. Same with the crystal-gridded copper pyramids, big enough for you to sit in. We can only take in between 6 and 8 people — every hour on the hour — and then those will rotate through each grid & pyramid, getting the chance to experience the different energies of each. First group goes in at 1 pm, last group goes in at 5 pm. Cost is $10. Walk-in’s welcome if space is available — but if you want to reserve a particular time slot, give us a call at 573-777-6771.
LAST in the special events category is the Lammas Ritual Celebration, Sunday evening, July 31, faciliated by Grant & Ambiaka. These celebrations of the turning of the Wheel of the Year are open to all, regardless of faith tradition, and free of charge. Lammas, sometiems called Lughnasadh, celebrates the harvesting of the grain that will provide warm & yummy bread to sustain us through the cold winter months. Who doesn’t want to celebrate THAT??
Of course we also have our ongoing good stuff as well:
The Divine Feminine Series, facilitated by Cat & Nancy, on the last Wed of the month (July 27, 6:30-8)
Tarot Readings w/ Grant, Sat July 16 (10-5) and Rexanna on Tues, July 19 (4-8);
Discussion Groups — the Tao Discussion Group (Sun July 17, 1-3), followed by the Science & Metaphysics Discussion Group (Sun, July 17, 2-4).
Astrological Readings w/ Kacy on the 4th Tues of the month (call to reserve a slot and give us your BD info so she can prepare your chart).
Psychic Readings & Past Life Regressions w/ Paula every Wed evening
Yoga Therapy w/ Crystal on Thurs, July 21 (6:30-8)
Yoga Nidra w/ Adrian on Thurs, July 28 (7-8)
And of course our free Coffee & Conversation every Sat morning at 10:30. We provide the coffee & the topic. You provide the conversaton and company! Hope to get the August news up a little sooner, but in the meantime … I do believe there are a FEW things here to hold you all over. 🙂
Happy July!!!
Category: Blog, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Melissa describes herself as a tarot reader, Reiki Master, and witch. Throughout all of her adult life she’s been fascinated with personal development, but until a few years ago she approached her inner explorations through the lens of psychology, reading every self-help book I could get my hands on, and thinking long and hard about why I do what I do.
And then a tarot reading provided her with a major turning point in her life and her search veered into the realm of the spiritual and “weird.”
In the years since that reading, Melissa has continued on the journey to uncover who she is–the pleasant, the unpleasant, and the can’t-put-it-into-words–that will no doubt continue throughout this lifetime and then some. She’s met trusted Guides and explored new territories, both in her mind and in other realms. But most importantly, she has been discovering what it means to truly know and accept herself.
Today Melissa shares her findings and understandings with others who are ready to engage – or to explore – their own journeys … their Quests. Melissa is gifted, energetic, and insightful and you will both enjoy her and prepare yourself to travel deeper into your life and your life’s work by stepping into Your Personal Grail Quest.
You can learn more about Melissa and her work by clicking HERE.
Category: Featured Item
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Those of you who are our regulars are already familiar with the great line of Wise Women Botanicals essential oils we carry. Now we have NEW offerings from the same source! Designed by Connie Jacoby, the creator and founder of Wise Women Botanicals in consultation with Heart, Body, & Soul, these are some seriously awesome oils.
CHAKRA ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS: Buy just one or the whole set. Now available in two sizes, these blends of the best essential oils are designed specifically to resonate with and enhance the energies of each chakra. Check out the blends below (and yes, they smell as yummy as they sound!):
ELEMENTAL ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS: Fire, Air, Earth, & Water — the classic elemental energies familiar to Plato and astrologers alike, and drawn upon in many different spiritual traditions — can now also be found in a set of pure essential oil blends made exclusively for Heart, Body, & Soul! Whether you’re seeking to balance your own energies and want to draw in more of what you may be running low on, or want to honor the directional energies on your altar or in ritual, these scrumptious blends will do the trick.
PLANETARY ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS: As every astrologer knows, planetary energies have correspondences with crystals, plants, colors, etc, right here and available to us on Planet Earth. When we want to draw in the energetics of a particular planet — the expansive abundance of Jupiter or the skillful communication and inspiration of Mercury — we can draw on these to assist us. Thanks to the oil blending expertise of Connie Jacoby, we now can offer exclusive Heart, Body, & Soul Planetary Essential Oil Blends!