Better Living Through Bucket Lists

We started out resolved.  Really we did.  Much like the will-powered New Year’s Resolutions we were going to talk about at our final Coffee & Conversation of the year.  But let’s face it – even the title showed our ambivalence:  New Year’s Resolutions – Yay or Yuck??   Sure enough, we wound up ditching the conversation topic about as quickly as we ditch our New Year’s Resolutions.

Instead, we chose to spend the last day of 2016 talking about Bucket Lists – what do you want to do or experience before you kick the bucket.  The stuff you’re passionate about, the stuff you daydream about.  The FUN stuff.  The meaningful stuff.  The stuff you’ll look back upon when you’re on your deathbed with a smile and fist pump of satisfaction.

Let’s face it, sticking to a diet or losing X number of pounds by D-day – not even close to bucket-list worthy.  Nobody on their deathbed sighs with satisfaction over their fastidious calorie-counting.  But a life filled with vibrant energy and health?  THAT’s bucket-list worthy.  So here’s an idea:  ditch the diet goals and put Vibrant Health on your bucket list instead, along with all the other things you want to check off in this lifetime:

  • Follow the Natchez Trail
  • Go to the Rose Bowl Parade
  • See at least one game in every professional baseball stadium in the country.
  • Go to Scotland.
  • Develop a core group of good friends I can relax around and just be me
  • Vibrant health.
  • Learn to speak French
  • Write that book.

Screw the resolutions.  They only mock our inability to stick to them, leaving us feeling like failures because we only made it to the gym once this week instead of the resolved three times a week. Who needs that??  So what if we really, REALLY enjoyed the rum balls at the office Christmas party??  We also went sledding with the kids until we were all breathless with laughter and pink with the cold against our cheeks.  We treated ourselves to a deliciously relaxing gentle yoga class.  We took a walk through the park over the lunch hour and laughed out loud watching the squirrels chatter and chase each other, created a delicious dinner of locally grown produce we had a blast picking out at the Farmer’s Market  AND shared the recipe with our tribe of awesome friends.  Or we have really talented friends who enjoy creating delicious dinners that we enjoy sharing.  (Some of us, as we have previously pointed out, are really good at NOT cooking and we claim that.)

Vibrant health?  Check.

No failures here.

Have a blessed and bucket-list worthy 2017!

Heart, Body, & Soul has a free coffee & conversation gathering every Saturday morning from 10:30-11:30 am.  We provide the coffee, herbal tea, yummy munchies, and the topic.  YOU provide the conversation.  Up this first month of the new year for those of you interested in dropping by to join us, include Energy Fields & Chakras (Jan 7), Vision Quests (Jan 14), Reiki (Jan 21), and Tarot (Jan 28). 



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