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Tree of Life Intensive Weekend Workshop

Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Rachael Mueller will be here teaching the Tree of Life Intensive course this weekend!

The Pattern known as the Qabalistic Tree of Life is a detailed system for correlating and accessing the wisdom and organization of the Universe, on the inner and outer planes. This class will acquaint you with the aspects of this unique grid and show you how to begin utilizing it in your life. See how the Tree connects Tarot, Astrology, the Planes of Existence, our spiritual ascent from Matter to Source and more.

Cost is $150 for the weekend. Please register in advance due to the extensive participant materials involved. Space is limited.


Mother’s Day Jewelry Sale 15% off!!

Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

This weekend ONLY!
May 11th, May 12th, & May 13th!!

We’re having a jewelry sale – 15% off.

Devin Hunter

Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

If you’ve never had the privilege of seeing a Devin Hunter workshop, you are in for a treat!  Devin is one of those rare folk who manage to be both entertaining as hell AND offer really powerful, deeply insightful information at the same time.  Whether you’re new to witchcraft, mastered the Wicca 101 stuff decades ago, or are still figuring out what path you want to be on (!!), Devin will provoke new insights and challenge you to go deeper in your spiritual journey — while making sure you don’t take yourself too seriously along the way.

A professional and irreverent Psychic Medium and modern witch, Devin is the resident House Medium at The Mystic Dream in Walnut Creek, Ca. He holds third-degree initiations in both the Northern Star Tradition of Wicca as well as the Dianic Tradition of Witchcraft (the Cult of Diana) and is the founder of his own tradition, Sacred Fires. He is a blogger for Witches & Pagans magazine and the creator of Modern Witch Magazine.  His podcast, The Modern Witch, has helped thousands of people all over the world discover and develop their magical abilities.  Devin is currently teaching with the Black Rose School of Witchcraft and — most importantly of all — is the reigning Master of Ceremonies at the New Orleans Witches’ Ball.  Author of The Witch’s Power and The Witch’s Spirits, Devin will be coming to Heart, Body, & Soul to teach on April 29.  Call to reserve your seat now (573-777-6774) because this is one speaker you do NOT want to miss!!

The Witch’s Familiar
Sunday, April 29, 2018 — 1 to 4 pm
Cost is $25



The 3rd Annual St. Pat’s HBS Trivia Night!!

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

It’s h-e-r-e!!  (Well, almost.)  Saturday, March 17, 6:30 pm it will be here — the Third Annual HBS Trivia Night.  This is one of the most fun events we do at HBS, so we hope you can join us!  Cost is just $10 apiece.  You can gather your team and register as a table (maximum of 6 to a table) or you can register as an individual and we’ll put you together with others to make up a team.  (Trust us — great new friendships have come out of fighting in the trenches together for a Trivia Championship!)

We provide non-alcoholic beverages, but you and your team are welcome to bring your own alcoholic versions if you like.  Same with food — cause who can do trivia without yummies to stimulate the brain cells?!  Deb and Cat pick the categories AND make up all the questions — and while the staff CAN play, they have not been privy to either.  Both are closely guarded secrets here at HBS — kept under lock and key until the grand reveal on St. Paddy’s Day.

So give us a call at HBS now and reserve your seat / table.  This event has sold out every time so far, so plan ahead.  And each member of the winning team wins a gift certificate to  … let’s just say it’s one of our favorite stores.  🙂  Hope to see you there!

The Witch’s Familiar Workshop w/ Devin Hunter is Coming to HBS!

Category: Blog, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul

If you’ve never had the privilege of seeing a Devin Hunter workshop, you are in for a treat!  Devin is one of those rare folk who manage to be both entertaining as hell AND offer really powerful, deeply insightful information at the same time.  Whether you’re new to witchcraft, mastered the Wicca 101 stuff decades ago, or are still figuring out what path you want to be on (!!), Devin will provoke new insights and challenge you to go deeper in your spiritual journey — while making sure you don’t take yourself too seriously along the way.

A professional and irreverent Psychic Medium and modern witch, Devin  is the resident House Medium at The Mystic Dream in Walnut Creek, Ca. He holds third-degree initiations in both the Northern Star Tradition of Wicca as well as the Dianic Tradition of Witchcraft (the Cult of Diana) and is the founder of his own tradition, Sacred Fires. He is a blogger for Witches & Pagans magazine and the creator of Modern Witch Magazine.  His podcast, The Modern Witch, has helped thousands of people all over the world discover and develop their magical abilities.  Devin is currently teaching with the Black Rose School of Witchcraft and — most importantly of all — is the reigning Master of Ceremonies at the New Orleans Witches’ Ball.  Author of The Witch’s Power and The Witch’s Spirits, Devin will be coming to Heart, Body, & Soul to teach on April 29.  Call to reserve your seat now (573-777-6774) because this is one speaker you do NOT want to miss!!

The Witch’s Familiar
Sunday, April 29, 2018 — 1 to 4 pm
Cost is $25


Spell & Ritual Kits!

Category: Featured Item
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Did you know HBS has  its very own line of Rituals-in-a-Bag, created by the magickal folk you know and love right here??  We have House Cleansing bags, rituals for the upcoming Wheel of the Year celebrations, and (because Valentine’s Day IS just around the corner), even a Love Spell kit.  Each kit contains everything you need — stones, herbs, candles, & a step-by-step guide to walk you through bringing the energy you want into your life and getting rid of the stuff you don’t.  New kits are coming out all the time, so be sure to look for new additions each time you come in!


Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Time for some King Cake and general merry-making!  Join us for our second-annual HBS Mardi Gras party on Saturday, February 17 — where you can enjoy live music, make your OWN Mardi Gras beads, go home with a new tattoo (temporary only – sorry!) or have a personalized caricature portrait made for you by the talented Amy Dove.  (And did we mention King Cake?!?)

There’s always a good time to be had at HBS, but Mardi Gras gives us a chance to up the fun even more.  So come on down and pass a good time with the Tribe!  


Susan Walter & Angel Portraits

Category: New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Get Your Own Individualized Angel Portrait w/  Susan Walter
Coming to HBS on February 23-24

At the age of 4 and again at age 6 during life saving surgeries, I had what would now be called ‘near death experiences’. Though at that age I did not have the words to explain what I had experienced, and can’t say it went over well with my parents in rural Iowa in the 1960’s. During those experiences I was introduced to some of my own angels, in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen or experienced where I was accepted for exactly who I am without expectations.

After these experiences I was able to see my angels all the time, they have been my friends and my guides ever since. It didn’t take long to learn it was best not to talk about my experiences or what I saw and it just became such a normal art of my life I just assumed that others had them same capabilities. My life was what I thought of as normal, I married and had 4 great kids. Living the life and doing all the things we are expected to do as Wife and Mother.

Life continued to be normal until January 1997. To be honest I am not sure how or why it happened but I noted I was seeing more angles than I ever had before, it didn’t take long to understand that I was now seeing the angels of everyone around me. I was asked, maybe told is a better word, to use this gift to draw what I was seeing to help others connect with their angels.

To say I was not an artist is an understatement, I had wanted to be an artist as a kid when I learned I was born the same day as Michelangelo. Over time to make day to day life easier I learned to turn the volume down a little, allowing me to see others angles as clouds of color that is constantly moving similar to a snow globe. I have also learned to use photos to see the angels with others as long, as I can see their eyes, allowing me to help as many people as possible to make the connection with their angels.

I have continued to expand my artistic abilities and in 2010 started playing with mandalas. In 2011 I was introduced to the Solfeggio frequencies and ask to create mandalas for 6 of the earthly frequencies. Being who I am this peaked my curiosity and I started doing research  and learning there is actually 81 frequencies, 9 sets of 9, to assist us through our evolutionary development, each set of the frequencies assisting us along on each step of our journey of growth and expansion. Each set taking us and assisting us in the next level, dimension or frequency.

As I continue to work and create the Solfeggio mandalas, I understand my connection with the frequencies on a deeper and deeper level with each mandala. And during a spiritual experience a couple years, I was shown life times spent not only working with the Solfeggio Frequencies and the crystal singing bowls during times of great change on our planet, but also as one of the Guardians of the Solfeggio.

Christopher Penczak Workshop – The Mighty Dead

Category: New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul


Traditions across the world honor and recognize the sanctified dead, not just the ancestors of flesh and blood we knew in life, but the ancestors of our spiritual traditions who died in a state of alignment and union with the divine. Known as the Bodhisattvas, Saints, Secret Chiefs, Ascended Masters and Inner Plane Adepts in other traditions, Witches know our ancestors as the Hidden Company, the Mighty Dead of our Timeless Tradition in the Nameless Art. In truth, they are the guiding principles of our modern tradition, as inner world priests and priestesses to the gods. They consist of our elders in the modern and ancient world, united in the ecstatic dance of the Witch’s Sabbat. In this workshop, you will come to understand the nature of the Mighty Dead and how to work directly with them for your own healing and evolution, and your work in the worlds of flesh and spirit, how to work with ancestral altars, oracular skulls, and spiritual merging; and learn to find guides, teachers, healers and partners within the order of the Mighty Dead. Cost is $30. NOTE: Christopher’s workshops always sell out, so register early AND pay in advance to ensure you have a seat!

Christopher is a Witch, teacher, writer and healing practitioner. His practice draws upon the foundation of both modern and traditional Witchcraft blended with the wisdom of mystical traditions from across the globe as a practitioner and teacher of shamanism, tarot, Reiki healing, herbalism, astrology and Qabalah.

He is the founder of the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and system of magickal training based upon the material of his books and classes. He is an ordained minister primarily serving the New Hampshire and Massachusetts pagan and metaphysical communities through public rituals, private counsel and teaching, though he travels extensively teaching throughout the United States.


Backflow Incense Burners. They are so cool!!

Category: Featured Item, Staff Picks
Author: heartbodyandsoul

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