Category: Featured Item, New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Saturday, November 30th is not only Small Business Saturday, but it’s our annual Sterling Silver Saturday Sale!! Hannukah and Christmas are just around the corner, so YOU NEED to be here as all Sterling Silver jewelry will be 20% Off!
Category: Featured Item, New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Join us Sunday, November 24th at Heart, Body, & Soul in Columbia MO for a soul stirring evening! 6:30 PM
Donation Based Event
The Artist
Summer Osborne is an award winning American singer-songwriter, TEDx Speaker, Artist Activist, Motivational Speaker, and Spiritual Collaborator who entertains audiences throughout North America with a fusion of music and spoken word. Her platform is creating space for humanity to heal and grow, while facilitating the shift that she calls a “Spiritual Revolution”. {Performance Experience}
Revolution, as in turn.
Spiritual, from the latin – Spiritus – to breathe.
What gives you breath? To expand… and to release?
Summer creates an emotional odyssey of exploration and self-discovery, encouraging you to dismantle your human suit to reveal the relationship that is ethereal…
The Soul Connection.
“This is Your Call” earned her a nomination from the International Music and Entertainment Awards for Best Spiritual Song – and won a RightOutTV Music and Video award for Best Song with a Social Message. But it is the title track from her 8th album, “As I Am” that is regularly healing spirits and being used by therapists and spiritual congregations of several faiths and settings.
She is currently touring to promote her latest album, Spiritual Revolution, which has been hailed as humanity’s call to action.
Summer has performed at numerous spiritual centers, gatherings and churches that embody new thought. These are comprised of Christian, Atheist, Pagan, Unity, Unitarian Universalist, and Emmanuel Lutheran congregations across the North American continent.
Experience a tapestry of love that comes to life in an extraordinary way.
Awaken to a new perception and purpose. It will leave you lighter, make you stronger, and give your feet direction.
“I have come to challenge your consciousness; to see if you can break these chains. Open your heart, open your mind, to feel things you cannot see…
And you will never be the same.” -Summer Osborne
Category: Blog, Featured Item
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Category: New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Mama Starr & Mambo Tonya Jones are gonna be back September 28th and 29th!
Mama Starr has been a Conjure Woman for over 40 years. She began with a simple deck of playing cards and learned to read them just like her family taught her. By 17, she was doing Uncrossing Work, or spiritual cleansings, for her family. She began helping others, by referral, in her mid-twenties as she knew she could help others with her amazing gifts and healing abilities. Thankfully (for us), she realized that the time was right and began to share her gift of Conjure Work a few years ago thanks in part to the Internet.
Conjure or what people now call Hoodoo has always been around. In Mama Starr’s family, they didn’t call it Hoodoo. It was simply “Conjure” or “Work.” She was taught the traditional ways of spiritual work with an hands-on approach taught to her by her elders and continues to pass on the traditional ways in her own teachings.
Mambo Tonya Jones, Fok Nan Pwen Bo Mambo, has been reading Tarot cards for over 30 years and is an initiated priestess in Haitian Vodou , as well as a gifted spiritual reader. Haitian Mambos are female priests in the Vodou temples who perform healing work and guide others during complex rituals. As a mambo, her role is to tap into that connection with spirit and the physical, while sharing messages and knowledge from the Lwa, or that of spiritual beings.
Category: Featured Item, New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul
A Little More About Rachael…
Rachael Mueller is a witch, occultist, shaman and teacher. Her graduate work was in Religious Studies and Philosophy and has a passion for the vocation of a Witch and community. She began ministry work over 20 years ago and has been an ardent student of spirituality and religions since childhood. She has studied with the Temple of Witchcraft Mystery School since 2009 and is a High Priestess and Ordained Minister in the Temple of Witchcraft.
Rachael Mueller will be teaching The Tree of Life Weekend Workshop – a weekend with the Qabalah on Saturday, August 10th and Sunday, August 11th. She’s taught serveral classes at HBS and we are so grateful that she will be here for such an amazing class. If you really want to learn more about the Qabalah, this is the course for you!
Category: Blog, Books
Author: heartbodyandsoul
When we opened Heart, Body, & Soul, we bought books. Lots of books, on lots of topics, all of which had to be organized into sections with handy little category labels just like every bookstore we’d ever visited. Easy-shmeezy, right? Not so much. We quickly realized there are lots of tough questions to be answered when figuring which books to put in what sections — and turns out those questions aren’t a once-and-done kind of thing. We’re STILL fighting that fight, 3 1/2 years in, with every new book order, every reset of the shop. It’s a constant game of ‘which of these things is not like the other?’
For a hot minute, we looked into just organizing everything according to the category it was assigned in Amazon, but quickly realized Amazon lumps most of the books we have in the store into a single ‘New Age / Spirituality’ label. Not so helpful. We also learned we’re not alone in our categorical angst. There are entire books on how to organize your bookshelves! (I wonder if they have their own category?) Perhaps we should have just listened to Cat’s librarian sister at the start and done it the Library of Congress way; but that would have required us to learn the Library of Congress way and … yeah, that wasn’t happening. So, we prefer to think of it as a continuous quest we are offering to our customers. You never know j-u-s-t where that treasure you’re seeking will be found. So hey — happy hunting! And you’re welcome.
Cat & Deb
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
You asked for it and — voila! — it appears! Until now, all the lovelies you’d love to have were left sitting here all alone, with no one knowing how perfect they were for you — while all those significant folks in your life spent hours, days, weeks, decades in a fruitless search for the perfect gift to give you! Heartbreaking, it was. Simply heartbreaking.
But up until now, we had no way to make the match between those two. (Well, not counting Kayla’s pretty phenomenal memory, but she’s not HERE all the time.) But now — NOW we do! #HappyDance!
So give your loved ones a break. Make their lives and gift-giving a whole lot easier by just stopping in and creating your very own Heart, Body, & Soul wish list. Then send them our way. It’s a match made in heaven! Or at least in Heart, Body, & Soul. Your lovelies become their gifts, together at last. Just warms the heart, doesn’t it?
Hold on, though — there is ONE catch. (There’s always a lawyer’s caveat when Cat’s writing the blog.) So here it is:
A lot of our items — especially jewelry– are one-of-a-kind, so we can’t PROMISE that your favorite thing will be here at some indefinite time down the road, even if it’s front and center on your Wish List. So you might wanta pick up that absolutely-MUST-have item while you’re here, to make SURE it comes home with you, and put several other wow–wouldn’t-that–be-nice items on the gift registry. Or you can live dangerously. Your call.
Either way, make sure you put more than one item on that gift registry so your peeps have options to choose from! Gotta avoid that heartbreak, right?
Category: Blog
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Eighteen inches and counting, so they tell us. As we write this, the snowflakes are still falling, creating a lovely winter wonderland of chaos outside our windows. Add in the snow plow’s efforts and we have a wall of white surrounding the shop that looks like a Game of Thrones scenario. (Luckily Cat has an obsidian blade handy in case any Whitewalkers make an appearance.)
Why are we crazy enough to be open in this mess? No, we do not believe ‘the-business-must-open-no-matter-what’ nor are we out driving in the mess or forcing our staff to do so — (we promise!) We just camp out here — and those staff who live close enough to walk in or who want to camp out with us, fill out the staffing.
It was an M.O. that developed during the first ice storm after we opened. That one hit while we were here and, since both Deb and Cat live a fair piece from the shop, we couldn’t make it home. Fortunately, we have couches, pillows, blankets, coffee AND wine, as well as a frig & microwave — so we just bunked in and actually had a pretty fun time of it. And to our shock, customers actually showed up the next day!! So the pattern was set. Since then, when bad weather is predicted, we just plan on staying at the shop.
Deb being Deb, she packs in enough food to feed an army. So far this time, we’ve enjoyed a crockpot of chili, gummy bear pancakes — (don’t ask why, just know they were surprisingly good) — and salmon & eggs with blue cheese. Plus dark chocolate haystacks compliments of Michelle who has her own approach to stashing up for Snowpocalyse. (In other words, Cat eats way better when snowed in at the shop than she does at home!)
A surprising number of you people make it in to see us! And when we don’t have customers, we play in the snow (check out our attempt at making snow face-masks on our Facebook page or Michelle’s snow witch out front), work on behind-the-scenes stuff like inventory & cleaning up the warehouse (collective ‘ugh’), or just chill — crank up the tunes, pour ourselves a glass of wine, and drag out the Trivia for Dummies — which actually turned out to be aptly named for our skill levels. 🙂
So on this very snowy day, a collective ‘snow hats off’ from Deb & Cat to:
Michelle McBrien, who wields a mean snow-shovel and continuously reminds us of the joy of play in our lives. Her playful spirit calls to the child in all of us and THAT is a fabulous gift. (And did we mention she was the genius who brought the dark-chocolate haystacks??)
Amy Dove, who trekked the snow-covered blocks from her snug house to ours two days in a row, and helped Michelle dig a path across our parking lot so customers who had to park across the street because our lot hadn’t yet been plowed could actually reach us.
Kris Tenny-Brittian, who also lives nearby and not only made the trek herself to get here to work, but offered us use of her shower and homemade smoothies to boot!
Philana Crite, who did have to make a bit of a drive to get here, but chose to do it — not just to work, but even more importantly to be here Sunday morning to lead our Sacred Sunday service (which it turns out was written specifically for Cat. Funny how that works, isn’t it??)
Susan Walter, the amazingly gifted Angel Portrait artist who came in from Kansas City a day early to make sure she was here for the peeps who’d signed up for her sessions. (And we’re glad to report she did indeed make it safely back home — just a day later than planned.)
The many kind-hearted folk who took the time to check in on us to see if we needed anything, helping clean off cars (Thank you, Chris!), and making multiple trips to the grocery store to supplement Deb’s already voluminous store of food here, because she probably lived and died at Donner Pass in some prior lifetime. (Thank, you Karsten!)
And to all of you who make Heart, Body, & Soul a place we WANT to be even in a snowstorm — a heartfelt, if cold and snowy, thank-you.
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
The Roman God Janus is always depicted with two faces — one looking backward and one facing forward. (Janus – January – the whole start-of-the-new-year-phenomena – suddenly it all makes sense!) So in the midst of all our fresh starts and new diet/work-out resolve, we think it’s worth taking a page from Old Man J’s playbook and pausing just a millisecond for a look back.
We did that at our last Coffee & Convo of 2018 and it was pretty interesting to hear the highlights and low points, the lessons and hard-won-insights of the year, whether overall folks considered 2018 a pretty good year or one they were happy to kick in the backside on its way out the door. That last conversation of the year prompted me to take a look back at our other conversations of 2018.
For those of you not already familiar with it, we host a Coffee & Conversation every Saturday morning of the year at 10:30 a.m. We provide the coffee, the topic, and someone to facilitate the discussion. MJ provides goodies, (blessings be upon her talented head). And you — the tribe of folks who gather on those Saturday mornings — provide the conversation. And some fascinating conversations they were!
Over the course of 2018,
Not too shabby a list, is it?? This is our second full year of Saturday morning Coffee & Conversation — 104 conversations shared over countless cups of coffee and MJ’s treats. We have debated and disagreed, pondered and contemplated, cried and laughed together as we explored a never-ending range of things-people-don’t-often-take-time-out-to-talk-about. The Saturday morning group shifts and changes. Some are regulars, seldom missing a Saturday, without regard to topic. Others drop in when they can or when a particular topic catches their eye. Some just happen upon the conversation as its happening and pull up a chair to join in. All are welcome and there is no cost to participate — though we do appreciate donations to the Good Karma Coffee Fund to support our charity of the month!
Saturday morning Coffee & Conversations is one of our favorite things at HBS. We’re always on the lookout for good topics, so if you have some ideas, please grab somebody who works at HBS the next time you’re in and let us know. And if you haven’t yet dropped by on a Saturday morning — consider adding THAT to your list of New Year’s resolutions. If nothing else, MJ’s brownies are guaranteed not to disappoint.
Until then, Happy New Year to each and every one of you from those of us here at HBS. May 2019 bless us every one.
Cat & Deb
Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Yes. Yes, it is here — the big shopping season is upon us. But it doesn’t have to be a crazy-making time of year, folks. Really! Avoid the insanity of the mall and the big box stores (or at least minimize) and stop by HBS instead. This whole weekend — from ‘Black Friday’ through ‘Small Business Saturday’ and into ‘Whatever Sunday Is’ — you can get great sales, great products, AND a great experience. So come visit us. Coffee’s always on. Couches await. Books abound. And a whole lot of lovely gift ideas await. You’re welcome. (See you this weekend.)