
Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): February 2025 begins with a whimper more than a bang, but what activity is there is good and easy flowing. Personal communication may be rolling along nicely and smoothly, and if you have been going through a period of transformation, you may note it is going smoother than expected. The first two weeks of the month are a good time to spend with friends and social circles. If you have health concerns, the first two weeks of the month are a good time to explore their healing. As the month progresses, the easy-flowing activity from earlier dissipates but is now replaced with blessings and good things almost instantaneously occurring, particularly when it comes to windfalls and romance. If you have the spare energy, you may find it wise and helpful to focus on your home and immediate family, which could be going through a period of change.

Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): Well, it’s an interesting beginning to the month, Taurus’, so I would encourage you to be careful as February begins. First, you may find challenges with personal communication with friends, your ongoing transformation, and digging your heels in vs. adapting to ongoing social changes. But things may be rolling along nicely and smoothly when developing your creativity, spirituality, and romance. However, if you’re not careful, you may find you prefer escapism to dealing with the reality in front of you. There may also be changes in your home life with your immediate family, and while certain cycles are ending, everything will work out for the best. As the month continues, it is worth pointing out that most of the challenges earlier in the month have faded to be replaced with even more positive, easy-flowing manifestations. Moderation and mediation are the two themes to embrace the later you get into the month.

Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): February begins with many challenges and opportunities that have to do with emotions, spirituality, psychic abilities, and empathy, so you may find it is an overwhelming beginning. However, Jupiter continues to move through your sign, so a door for prosperity is open through your little conversations with others. You may also find this is a good time to get involved with your social circles rather than trying isolation. As the month progresses, you may find the same issues exist with all of the Pisces energy, but now there is a little lighter energy in the air, thanks to Venus moving into Aries. This tells us your romantic life may be full of more passion than usual, and unexpected financial windfalls may come your way. Communication may be problematic, and while this will last through the end of the month, you may note the closer we get to March, the easier it gets.

Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): February 2025 begins with a lot of emphasis on spirituality, emotions, and psychic skills, as well as getting back in touch with your intuition. Mars continues to retrograde through your sign, which tells us now is the time to make internal changes regarding how you approach your family and close friends. Taking a second look at your connection with divinity may also be wise, especially how you interact with the masculine side of divinity. As the month continues, you may notice that your intuition is stronger than normal and can guide you through the rest of the Mars retrograde. Your love life may be full of challenges, but these will come up sporadically and will not last more than a month. If you don’t have impulse control, impulse buys may work against you regarding cash on hand.

Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): Aquarius is the opposite sign of Leo in the zodiac, which means normally there is tension in the air around this time of year due to the number of planets going through Aquarius, but this year is not the case. You may find less tension in the air, and instead, there may be an emphasis on adjusting how you interact with others because dormant prosperity is lying there waiting to be seized. True, the first two weeks of February bring tension when communicating with your social circles and society, but that is offset with potential for prosperity and learning. By the middle of the month, the tension with friends and communication is gone and replaced with opportunities for long-term growth, particularly having to do with mental and ego healing. But, the deeper the month goes, the more you might have to face emotional issues holding you back from growing. These issues will most likely manifest as frustration and a short fuse.

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): While Sagittarius and Gemini will have challenges in the first part of February, you may find, in your case, it is much more severe and manifests as tension. It may feel like it encompasses all of your life, but that is not the case. February begins with tension in the air regarding emotions, spirituality, psychic skills, creativity, and energetic sensitivity. There are too many examples of how this might manifest to mention here briefly, but in short, because of this tension, it may feel like the sky is falling, but it’s not. You are being called on to find the internal balance between Virgo and Pisces energy. This intensity continues through the entire month, but as the month ages, you may find it helpful to focus on business and other shared resources. February is also a good month to make changes around the home and regarding your immediate family.

Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): While others might be having strong emotions and related issues, you may find February begins with an opportunity for planning, brainstorming, and spending time with friends. However, you may find inner turmoil with emotions present, which exposes deep issues you must heal to move forward. These issues concern love and creativity, so it would be wise to listen to your intuition for guidance. As the month continues, tension that has to do with money, love (especially if it’s tied into the first points mentioned), and ego issues might come into being. For the whole month, you may find the current challenges with your home life continue, and now is the time to assert your power applicably.

Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): As of February 2025, you may find yourself sitting in a sweet position with all of the activity in Pisces and even the Mars retrograde in Cancer. For the first two weeks of the month, focusing on taking care of business and using your psychic skills and intuition for guidance is wise. Your home life may require some adjustments, but other than that, you may be one of the few signs that can come out of this for the better. The challenges in the first two weeks of February mostly involve adapting to an evolving society. As the month continues, societal challenges fade into the background, and even more emphasis is placed on your spirituality, emotions, and creativity. Your emotions may be stronger than normal around the middle of the month, but this will be short-lived and can be used as motivation to accomplish your goals. A hidden factor to watch for is your temper and energy levels, as they may be more of a factor than in the recent past.

Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Like Virgos, you may find the first two weeks of February 2025 are full of challenges that have to do with your emotions, spirituality, creativity, psychic development, and overall ability to embrace the future. It would be wise to watch your spending with friends, for if you don’t, it may hurt more than anticipated. As the month progresses, those same challenges continue, but there is a subtle shift. You may find that during the last two weeks of the month, positive opportunities regarding money and romance come your way, but only if you act fast to catch them when they show up, and if you miss them, you don’t get a second chance. These opportunities are part of your ongoing healing process, so if you embrace them with humility and optimism, they can help you understand how to proceed over the next year.

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): If you can keep your attention focused on where it needs to be, you may find the beginning of February 2025 flows nicely and smoothly, especially if you embrace the new. There may be challenges in your home life right now, but these are necessary and will ultimately be for the best. Your career is the dominant area to focus on, especially implementing new ideas that align with the changes in people and society. You can expect more of the same as the month continues, with two exceptions. During the last two weeks of the month, your romantic life may have challenges related to power plays in the relationship, so it would be wise to let cool heads prevail. It would also be smart to avoid impulse buying or retail therapy.

Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Happy birthday Aquarius! This is your month, even though it might not feel like it with all of the activity in water signs. Communication, spending time with friends, and inner transformation are all themes to begin the month with, and if you act astutely, you may uncover hidden blessings. As the month continues, you may find windfalls coming your way regarding money and romance, but if you miss the opportunities, you may not get a second chance. Around the middle of the month, your temper may be shorter than normal, but this will only last about a week. The last two weeks of the month are also a good time to connect with people to advance your goals. If you do this, you may find prosperity comes your way, and/or you may even learn something new!

Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): I know March is your birth month, but with all of the activity in Pisces, it may feel like this is your month. The theme of February and the first half of March is embracing the new while at the same time thickening up your skin because you are more sensitive to energy than others, and that is true now more than ever. Your home life may require a lot more attention, but in the long run, this will be good. As the month progresses, even more emotional tension may be brought to the surface to deal with, and this gives us a clue to keep in mind: Overwhelming. There is so much energy in the air concerning emotions, spirituality, and creativity that it may feel overwhelming, and if this becomes the case, it would be smart to avoid escapism.

These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website, www.418ascendant.com, and feel free to email him at bill@418ascendant.com.