
Christopher Penczak is back… kind of.

Category: New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Christopher will be doing an online class on November 13th at 7:00 pm called Mystery of the Goddess.

Seek the mystery of the Goddess – the darkness of the night, bright as the Moon upon the sea, green as the land and red of tooth and claw. She has many faces and forms, and those drawn to the ways of magick seek her presence, guidance and wisdom. From the land all around you, to the soul of the cosmos, and everywhere between, she is ever present in our lives and being. Seek to understand her through the faces of many beloved Witch goddesses of the mysteries, including Hecate, Diana, Persephone, Isis, and the Morrighan. Experience her yourself through a guided ritual journey. Just $30! Click to register!!!

Nicholas Pearson is going to be ONLINE!

Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Nicholas Pearson and HBS will be offering 2 online Zoom events this September!!!

Mark your calendars. Friday, September 18th, Nicholas will be hosting his class – Crystal Energy: From Spirit to Science at 7 pm. Saturday, September 19th at 1 pm, he’ll be hosting another class – Crystal Magick for the 21st Century.

If you haven’t taken a class with Nicholas, we’ll now is the time. Nicholas is extremely well-versed in crystals and knows his stuff, so sign up now to reserve your spot!!!

Just a Reopening Update!!!

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul


After having been open a couple of weeks now, we’ve concluded we no longer need the ‘shopping appointment’ feature with which we began our reopening. Our walk-in customers seem to naturally space themselves out pretty well, so we’re going to just ride that flow instead and save everyone a lot of hassle! Two things to remember though:

(1) We will still be keeping our number of customers in the shop to around 10 people at a time so there remains a slight CHANCE you may have to wait a bit if a bunch of folks all show up at once — but we have a lovely front porch for you to enjoy while you do. (And a tip of the hat to Deb for the lovely flowers and a thanks to Cat for keeping her distance and not killing them all.)

(2) We are still going to be requiring masks for the time being. We’ll have extras on hand if you don’t have one — and if you and masks just don’t play well together, no worries! We still offer curbside pick-up and mail-order delivery — just give us a call or send us a Facebook message and let us know what you’re looking for!

We’re O-P-E-N!!

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

So glad to be BACK!! Our hours are still a bit reduced from what they were pre-pandemic (so check those if you’re a regular who had them all memorized). And yes we do require masks and we are limiting our customers to 10 in the store at a time, given the size of our footprint. But if you want to reserve a time to make sure you don’t have to wait — check out our ‘Shopping in the Pandemic’ options up there on the menu bar. Realistically, we don’t often have to make people wait though so if you’re thinking of stopping by, don’t let the lack of a reservation stop you.

We are not yet doing any public gatherings or classes, but those shall return eventually. In the meantime, we have LOTS of new stuff — including the largest selection of Tarot & Oracle decks in town — so stop on in and get reacquainted!! (We’ve missed you guys!!) And if you haven’t been here before — well let’s just say you have a treat to look forward to. Hope to see you all soon!

Sterling Silver SALE!!!

Category: Blog
Author: heartbodyandsoul

We have reopened and get to see our peeps in person again. If you want to join us, book an In-Store Shopping Experience online at Heart Body and Soul Center: Shopping in the Pandemic –
( or give us a call at 573-777-6771 and see what times we have openings (cause we still are limited to 10 people at a time). Of course, you can just take a chance and stop by to see if we can accommodate you then as well.

We are kicking the reopening off with a GINORMOUS JEWELRY SALE!! 30% off all sterling silver jewelry if you buy one piece, 40% off if you buy two, and 50% off if you buy three or more!!

Collective happy dances may now begin…. (Open 12-7, Wed-Fri, 10-6 Sat, & 1-6 Sun.) Don’t forget your mask!

We can’t wait to see you!!!!

Reopening June 10!!

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Looks like it’s going to finally happen! Our plan is to reopen as of June 10. (Woot!!) We will still be operating with reduced hours — so closed Mon & Tues, open 12-7 Wed-Fri, 10-6 Sat, and 1-6 on Sundays. No gatherings or events just yet, but we will be open for S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G!!

That said, we do have to keep the numbers in the store down, and since we we don’t be in the position of either having to rush folks through OR leave people twiddling their thumbs outside, we decided to offer shopping reservations! You can sign up for a particular 50-minute slot and when the clock strikes the top of the hour for your time slot, you can waltz right in, no waiting. You’re welcome to browse, chat, and just soak up the vibe for the full 50-minutes OR you can swing by anytime during your reserved time slot, run in, pick up what you need, and be on your way. Entirely your call. And if you’re in the area and want to take your chances on getting a walk-in spot, feel free! If we have empty spots for that particular time slot, we’re happy to have you join us. 🙂

You’ll be able to reserve your time slot (aka ‘purchase your Golden Ticket’) on our website. [Look for the ‘Shopping in the Pandemic’ page.] There is no charge, of course, but ‘Woo Commerce’ still requires your billing info (name, address, phone & e-mail) to complete the ‘purchase.’ Sorry. We tried to find a work-around for that, but no luck. The good news is if you want to ‘create an account’ you only have to fill all that out once and after that it will leave you alone! In the meantime, we promise not to sell your info to any mailing list collectives and appreciate your patience. And you do always have the option of just giving us a call to reserve your time slot, as well!

Finally — yes, masks will be required. Sorry, all. (We hate them too!) BUT we feel like it’s the safest option for our staff and our customers and so are going to stick with that requirement for the time being. If you don’t have one, we’ll have some extras available on hand. (We also have some to sell if you want to stock up.) And if you just can’t do masks, we get it. We’ll still be offering curbside pick-up and mail-order delivery options.

That’s it. Excited to see you all again!!!


Category: Crystals, Featured Item
Author: heartbodyandsoul

We’re so excited about this new product! Any time a crystal is polished, ‘sand’ is created in the polishing process. Well, now you can GET some of that crystal sand for yourself — amethyst, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, angelite, black tourmaline, green aventurine, or clear quartz. SO many potential uses for this beautiful, high-vibrational stuff that carries all the same energy as the tumbled stones from which it came: Create a base layer of crystal sand for a crystal grid, add some crystal love to your garden and plants, sprinkle it across your doorway or windows sills, create a lovely base around a spell candle, or get all the kinds and layer them in your very own crystal sand sculpture! The uses are only limited by your imagination — and we KNOW just how high that can go! Just $10 per jar!!


Category: New News, Staff Picks
Author: heartbodyandsoul

You pick the price and we pick the surprise! and every one is hand-picked by HBS staff just for you. We’ll ask you some questions to get an idea of your tastes (and yes, we MIGHT take a peak at what you’ve bought from us before if you’re a regular) and then we put together the perfect assortment. $25? $50? $100? $200? We can put together a fun box of unique items for any budget.

Just give us a call (573-777-6771) or send us a message on Facebook and let the fun begin! Mystery Boxes can be shipped or picked up in store. They also make great gifts. (And we had one brilliant group of friends who EACH got one for themselves, brought them all to their friends gathering, and did the grand reveal together! How fun is that??)

But no, Merlin, the former shop cat, will NOT be showing up in your box.
Or you’re welcome.
Or maybe a bit of both.

Remaining Closed for the Time Being…

Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Several of you have asked if we plan to re-open after May 4 — assuming the current restrictions are not extended. While we are as eager to get back to normal as any (!!) we do NOT plan on re-opening quite that quickly.

We want to make VERY sure we are not putting either our staff or our Tribe in harm’s way by re-opening too soon. So for now, we’ll continue monitoring the various disease progression models and curve-flattening data (who knew such phrases would be part of our common vocabulary??) and will be sticking to our curbside pick-up and mail-order deliveries until the verdict is pretty clear that we’re safe re-opening our doors. (And thanks so very much to all of you who have continued to support us through this time. Those orders have made a BIG difference!!)

So stay safe and stay tuned! And, in the meantime, if you need anything — by all means, give us a call: 573-777-6771.

But check out our curb service & delivery options! AND our new Mystery Boxes, too!!

Thereafter, though, you can still get your HBS goodies via curbside service, mail order, or even in-person delivery (if you live in the City of Columbia).

So here’s how what the staff is affectionately referring to as “Drive-thru Spirituality,” [insert visual of Cat banging her head on the counter at our choice of this description], will work: 

You have three choices on how to reach us: 

(1) Send us a Facebook Message;

(2) E-mail us at;

(3) Call us at 573-777-6771 between 12-6 PM Wednesday – Sunday.   (Please do NOT leave your order in a voicemail message. If you want to reach us outside of the above hours, send us an e-mail or Facebook message.)

Just give us your Full Name, Phone Number, Email Address, and List of Items. We will pluck your goodies off the shelves with freshly sterilized hands, give you a call to get your credit card payment information, and arrange your pick-up / delivery time.

  • If you need recommendations …

If you are unsure of what you need or want some recommendations, we are also happy to walk you through options.   A phone call during our business hours is best for this (573-777-6771), but you can also send us a message via Facebook Messenger or email us at  We can even arrange a Facetime appointment with you to SHOW you your options and let you make your own selections.  (Merlin will undoubtedly appear in every call though.  You’ve been warned.) 

  • Mystery Boxes

We are now offering Mystery Boxes! It’s simple. Just call, email, or send us a FB message with the amount you want to spend, some things that you like, and we’ll carefully select goodies for a surprise. These are available for shipping and curbside pickup.

 4.        Payments  

At this time, we can only accept credit/debit card and venmo payments which will be confirmed over the phone. 

5.           Pick-up Hours                                            

Store hours for Curb Side Pick-Up will be the same as for Phone Orders:  Wed-Sunday 12 – 6 PM.  Delivery times will be confirmed with you along with details re where to leave your package so no face-to-face contact is required.  (Though we miss your faces!)

Oh…. and by the way, Cat & Deb have been left up to their own devices (again!) and we know what that means…. something new is brewing!!! So, when our doors reopen expect to see new and improved upgrades and offerings. 

We do hope you will continue to support us and shop local first – even if it isn’t QUITE as convenient as before.  After all, it’s how we all ensure our favorite places are still there to enjoy down the road!! 

Nicholas Pearson is coming!

Category: Blog, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson will be at HBS on Saturday and Sunday, July 25-26, to offer a series of three workshops on working with crystals! You can take them all or take any one of the three on its own, but the choices are going to be tough: Crystals from Spirit to Science (Saturday), and Crystal Healing Techniques & Crystal Magick for the 21st Century (both on Sunday).

Nicholas has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He developed a profound love for rocks and minerals in early childhood, and his passion grew to include the spiritual beliefs about stones from cultures around the world. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University’s Gillespie Museum. A certified teacher of Usui Reiki Ryoho and a practitioner of Jikiden Reiki, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States and has authored numerous books on crystals, including Crystal Basics, Stones of the Goddess, The Seven Archetypal Stones and Crystals for Karmic Healing. Deb and Cat got to see him speak at the International New Age Trade Show in Denver last year and immediately snagged him to come to HBS. Take our word for it — the man is IMPRESSIVE!! He lives in Orlando, Florida with his partner — and we are super-excited to welcome to Missouri!

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