Category: Blog, Horoscopes, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): Tension may be the theme of the first few days of October, but this happens every year, so you may find that the emphasis is on being proactive regarding your personal relationships of all kinds. Part of this entails making the necessary adjustments in daily life to unlock better productivity. Another tool in your arsenal is romance, for you may find that things are rolling along nicely with long-term plans. Good fortune may also be coming your way. As the month progresses, more energy than expected is at your disposal, which is good if you approach life with a plan, but if you don’t have a goal, you may find this extra energy manifests as a short temper or being accident-prone. Healing yourself is a major theme right now; through this healing, you can achieve spiritual and personal growth.
Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): Even though it is not your birth month, you may find a good vibe is in the air and that things are starting to line up, especially when it comes to money, prosperity, and health. While the optimism won’t last, the expansion and prosperity just might. There is also a lot of potential for long-term growth, especially when integrating the Internet into your future business plans. As the month continues, it is worth noting that the ambient energy drastically changes from strongly good to full of tension and challenges, especially regarding business, business communication, and taking the initiative on business matters. To help you with this, remember that a clean workplace is conducive to success. This is also a good time to watch your health and do detoxing if appropriate.
Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Even though October begins with emotional and spiritual challenges, you may find that otherwise, things are up and up. This is a good time to connect with friends and also to redecorate. The emotional and spiritual challenges that are present have been going on for a while, but for the first two weeks of the month, workplace communication may require extra effort and time. Romance may be rolling along well, and creativity may produce better results than expected. As October progresses, the emotional and spiritual challenges may tug at your heartstrings more than normal, but if you wait a few days after the sun moves into Scorpio, this will clear up. Figuring out where to go regarding spirituality and personal development are good goals, and hidden help may come from your ability to adapt.
Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Challenges may be in the air as October begins, especially when it comes to how you get along with people, both personally and professionally, and this will last for the first couple of weeks, so you may find your temper is shorter than normal. However, while your daily life may bring good things your way unexpectedly, you may also find it wise to watch your diet. As October matures, it is worth noting that things get substantially better, especially around the last week of the month. The last part of October is an excellent time to work on spiritual and emotional issues because you are positioned for long-term growth. You may also find that the unexpected comes up regularly in your daily life, so when planning, plan loosely.
Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): If you’ve been looking for a good time to reach out to friends and make business connections, the beginning of October brings that opportunity, so it would be wise to be proactive as October first rolls around. Good fortune, creativity, and taking chances may all pay off in the first two weeks of the month, and romance may also be in the air. However, you may also be emotionally out of sorts, and even though this will pass quickly, you may find that if you’re not careful, you accidentally self-sabotage in financial matters if you impulse buy. As the month progresses, things may go from smooth-flowing to full of challenges, but most of these will be relegated to the workplace and your business affairs. It is also worth noting that your temper might be shorter than normal, and this will last until early November.
Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): Even though you may find success in your daily life, especially in financial matters, everything else may require a lot of minor adjustments, so adapt when necessary and to help you with this; it is worth noting that your adaptability skills are stronger than normal. This also extends to your communication skills. As October matures, things go from requiring minor changes to everything rolling along nicely and smoothly, particularly in business affairs. Now is a good time to be proactive in the workplace and avoid casting your pearls before swine when your intuition says so. You still have a window for physical world manifestation, but it will be closing in a few months, so maximizing your plans is wise to do at the moment. Emotionally, you may be out of sorts towards the end of the month, but this will be short-lived.
Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): Happy birthday, Libras! This is your month to treat yourself and to shine your brightest. Part of the energy in the air right now is addressing your healing journey, especially regarding your mental wellness, state of being, and ego. Romance might flow along well, and money through your creative projects may also flow smoothly. As the month progresses, there may be a sense of urgency and tension when it comes to your emotions and spirituality, and when coupled with the wounds getting addressed earlier in the month, it may mean that you have your hands full when it comes to your inner life. Part of this is ego healing, part of this is emotional healing, and part of this has to do with transforming your spirituality. Your workplace may require a lot of small adjustments, too, but with minimal effort, you might be able to maximize your gain.
Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): While the workplace may be rolling along smoothly, you may find that everything else in your life is full of challenges, so let’s look closer. First, when it comes to getting along with people, you may have to make some minor adjustments, but with those comes success. Romance and money through creativity may also be problematic, but this will fade by the end of the month. Emotional tension may be present, too, which might also be impacting your ability to expand and prosper, and while the tense emotions may fade by the middle of the month, the tension that has to do with prosperity will still be there. As we get close to Halloween, though, much of this clears up. The last couple of weeks of the month may bring good things to you through your daily work life, and your professional situation may be rolling along smoothly. The theme of the last week of Halloween is emotional and spiritual initiations, as you are currently going through the fires of rebirth and ascension.
Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): As October begins, you may find you are in an interesting position. First, your friendships and networking may be rolling along smoothly right now. Romance and money through creative projects are also rolling along, but they focus more on the long-term than the short-term. Emotional changes are currently being called for, and these can lead to personal development. As the month continues, the smooth sailing friendships may continue, but now the emphasis is on all of the changes you have to make at work to achieve business success. Now is the time to be proactive regarding taking care of business and the joint ventures you have with others. The focus on emotions and spirituality may hit a tipping point the week before Halloween, but the emotional component will quiet down by the end of the month, even though the lessons are still there to be addressed.
Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): When October 2023 begins, you may discover challenges when getting along with people, personally or professionally. These issues will last for about half a month, but things clear up dramatically after that. Early October is a good time to continue focusing on your long-term goals, especially concerning money. As October moves forward, more emphasis is placed on business and the affairs you share with others, which is positive. One of the ways to unlock success with this is by staying humble, and another way is by seeking the insight of others who may know more about the subject than you do. Taking time to clean the office may be smart and yield some unexpected money, too. Focusing on your health would also be wise towards the end of the month.
Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Money may be tight, and there might be tension in your romantic life at the beginning of the month, but conversely, this is a good time to spend with friends and to make new business acquaintances. Emotional challenges that impede growth and expansion may occur in the first two weeks, but this will diminish by the month’s end. Around the middle of the month, you may see a whole new slew of problems crop up, especially regarding your shared resources and business. The bulk of the intensity will fade by month’s end, but the problems might continue into mid-November. Communication challenges may be present during the last week of the month, but this is largely due to not being open rather than using the wrong words, so taking care of this is under your control.
Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Communication tension, specifically in the workplace, may be the theme of the beginning of the month, but other than that, things might be rolling along nicely in your daily life. Your emotional, spiritual, and personal growth may all continue to be major focal points, but this has been going on for a while and will continue to be there for quite some time. As the month matures, you may find that things start to fall into place, largely due to the ongoing spiritual transformation. Romance and money through your daily work life may still be tense, but this will clear up by late November. Now is the time to work on the foundation for where you want your life to be a few months to a year from now. Healing the ego is still a major point to address, but you may find guidance comes your way from the unseen realms, especially the closer you get to Halloween.
These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at
Category: Horoscopes, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): August 2023 may begin with a feeling of being between two worlds: the previous world of imagination and creativity and the upcoming healing world, with the only problem area being your daily work life. A good way to work with this is to stay optimistic and circle back to things you put on the back burner that may help your current situation. As the month progresses, you may find that the workplace might take up more of your time, requiring a lot of adjustments for success. You may also discover that reviewing your spending habits, particularly impulse buys, may be smart. Also of note is that you can expect an extra energy burst around the middle of the month, and if that is the case, it is wise to have an outlet for that energy rather than letting it boil over unexpectedly and inappropriately.
Taurus (Approx April 21st to approx. May 21st): Manifestation is the theme for August 2023, so if you plan things right, you may find you can maximize many results during the month. However, towards the beginning of the month, you may find challenges regarding romance and situations from your past that have strangely come back up. As the month continues, you may find that things get a lot better, especially in the romance area and fun money. Throughout the whole month, diligence and discipline may be your two strongest allies. It is also worth mentioning that your emotions may be out of sorts around the twentieth, lasting for about a week. A lot of this will have to do with how you have processed emotional wounds and the limits they impose. This will be short-lived, though, so consider this a case of forewarned is forearmed.
Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Fun, good fortune, and romance may be some of the themes that occur as August 2023 begins, so it is wise to stay light-hearted. Even though the workplace and daily work life may be full of challenges, especially when it comes to communication, you may find everything else in your life is rolling along nicely and smoothly at the moment, with a lot of healing occurring. As the month matures, you may find the theme shifts to specifically communication in the workplace, as Mercury stations retrograde. Regarding your health, avoiding eating while driving or engaging in manual dexterity activity would be wise. In general, this is a good time to go within and change what needs to be changed to navigate the upcoming Mercury retrograde’s focus on your professional life.
Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Of all of the signs in the zodiac, you are the ones that are in a prime position as August 2023 opens, so it would be wise to ride the vibe as long as you can. This may especially be true regarding the workplace and the physical world in general. This is also a good time to get proactive regarding work-related projects and initiatives. As the month continues, things may go from good to great, and even the upcoming Mercury retrograde can bring surprisingly good work-related benefits if you stay humble and seize opportunities as they arise. In the latter part of the month, it is a good time to lay a foundation for emotional and spiritual projects. Be careful, though, as past hurts may paralyze your forward movement during the last two weeks.
Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): Happy birthday Leos! This is your month to shine! The Venus retrograde complicates things a bit, as you may find a theme right now is to make do with less, especially when it comes to fun and discretionary spending. Unexpected expenses may come up that have to do with food, money, and all things related to the physical world, so it would be wise to play things safe and address whatever comes your way. As the month continues, things may go from extremely good to average, and with the Mercury retrograde, you may find your energy and attention are drawn to your work life. That means it is a good time to wrap up work projects and revisit tabled conversations. Your emotions may be out of sorts around the middle of the month, but this will be short-lived.
Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): Work, work, work may be the theme of the start of August 2023, so it is smart to know that ahead of time to allocate accordingly. This is also a good time for long-term financial investments and solidifying your health and financial future. As the month continues, things may improve, but the Mercury retrograde is about to hit you hard in most life areas. Work, money, business, and health are all themes that will carry through most of the month, so it can be easy to focus and create your circumstances as necessary. This also means that August is not a good month for creativity and spirituality, so you may find it wise to return to either or both in September.
Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): While your creativity may be flowing at the beginning of August 2023, you may find the romantic life requires some review, as is your discretionary spending. This is part of your ongoing healing process, which might create internal tension. As the month matures, you may find that the Mercury retrograde requires a lot of minor adjustments to achieve success in the workplace and with your health. Adjustments may be the theme of the last two weeks of the month, so if you stay alert, face what you need to face internally, and make the appropriate adjustments, you might hit the ground running when Mercury directs. If spiritual lessons are addressed, you may find a lot of spiritual and emotional healing, which could open the door to greater creative growth.
Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): Ouch. This may be the word that best sums up the beginning of August, as challenges and growth opportunities may be common when it comes to money, romance, the love life, and stalled creativity, so it would be wise to do what you do best-take care of business by blocking out distractions. You may also find this is a time to play things financially conservatively and make the appropriate adjustments for your long-term physical world foundation. As the month continues, work, and all things related may take up the bulk of your time, and while money and love may still be challenged with the Venus retrograde, things otherwise roll along smoothly. Your emotions may become excited around the middle of the month, but this will be brief, allowing you to get back to work.
Sagittarius (Approx November 21st to Winter Solstice): Optimism, innovation, and extra energy may all be themes over the first two weeks of August. These themes you can easily embrace, even with the Venus retrograde impacting your love life and cash flow. Your daily work life may be full of challenges, particularly regarding communication, but it is also a good time to take the initiative when opportunities present themselves. As the month continues, it is worth noting the Mercury retrograde because you, along with Virgo, Geminis, and Pisces, will be the most affected, so consider this your alert. That transit may do more than bring communication issues. It may also uncover other issues you didn’t know about until now. The good news is that if you like to be the hero, this is an opportunity to showcase your skills.
Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): Like Virgos, August 2023 may start with a lot of emphasis on your professional life and work routine, so it would be wise to focus on the practical. Also worth mentioning is that this is a good time to take a second look at how you process emotions and see if it is a good time for an upgrade. As the month continues, the workload only intensifies, and the Mercury retrograde will bring its fair share of unexpected projects and miscues. You may also find the latter part of the month is a good time to focus on the actual business side of what you do rather than just the daily grind. Playing it safe in areas of romance may also be smart to do for the whole month, but especially towards the end.
Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): This Venus retrograde may make itself felt in your life as August 2023 begins, so it would be wise to handle money and romance cautiously until the retrograde ends. Additionally, you may find that prosperity, specifically investments, is at a crossroads and that unexpected expenses that are a bigger hassle than normal may come out. Also, watch your diet, as food poisoning may be possible. As August continues, you may find that things pick up when Mercury retrogrades, but what is coming up are details that need to be addressed, more than major situations. Your emotions may be out of sorts around the middle of the month, but this will only last a few days. All in all, compared to other signs, things might not be so bad.
Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Work and the daily work routine may be the major sources of tension as August 2023 begins, so it would be wise to detach and do what needs to be done. Prosperity may be rolling along nicely and smoothly, too, and much of what is happening now is karmic. As the month matures, you may discover that the workplace becomes tenser and that miscommunications and scheduling issues may be two areas to address. However, you are in a good position to lay a long-term foundation from a business perspective. You may also discover that magick is in the air somehow, whether it is a chance encounter or things miraculously coming together. This Mercury retrograde period will primarily have to do with how you spend your time daily to achieve success.
*For all signs-Mercury stations retrograde on July 22, at twenty-one degrees Virgo, and will be retrograde until September 16, where it finishes at eight degrees Virgo.
These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at
Category: Blog, Horoscopes, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): Communication problems with your immediate family and loved ones may bring an emotional haze to the beginning of the month, so it would be wise to emotionally detach and think through your conversations. Your creativity and good fortune may be better than ever though, so you may find it worthwhile to focus on that as a distraction. As the month progresses, it is worth noting that the emotional tension may still be there, but you can see things clearer. For the next few months, you are also coming into a period of healing, beginning the middle of July. Venus is stationing retrograde towards the end of the month too, meaning that you may find specters of past relationships of all kinds come back up to learn from and address.
Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): July 2023 may bring a lot of good things your was when it comes to your immediate family and home. However, there may be challenges present when it comes to your creativity or good fortune, so it would be wise to play things safe when necessary. This is a good time to do some emotional and spiritual work in general. As the month continues, you may find your health goes well, but now that other challenges have come up, especially having to do with communication and the above-mentioned creativity. You may also find that you have opportunities for growth through tradition ways, and that if you plan for the long-term, you can achieve a solid foundation to grow from. It would also be wise to watch your romantic life to make sure it stays playful and light-hearted.
Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Creativity, romance, and money through creative methods may all be rolling along nice and smoothly as the month begins, but you may find it wise to make minor adjustments when it comes to interacting with your immediate family, loved ones, and how you manage your daily life so that you maximize your potential. As the month continues, you may find good things continue to come your way, but that romantic liaisons from the past come back up, or perhaps you feel the sting of an impulse buy. You may also find it wise to watch your diet the last two weeks of the month, and to keep your temper in the workplace. Healing may be a major theme the last two weeks of the month too, with an emphasis on your identity and ego.
Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Happy birthday Cancers! This is your month to pamper yourself, and July begins with a warning to celebrate responsibly but not too much. You may also find that opportunities are there for expansion and prosperity in daily life, especially if you are consistent with your work. As the month progresses, it is worth noting that your work life may continue to roll along nice and well, as is your health, but that there is a general sense in the air that it is time to make some changes because of challenges you see on the horizon. These changes may predominantly have to do with self-expression, creativity, and romance. You may also find that around the middle of the month your wounds get activated more than normal, but over the next few months you will have time to heal them, now that you are aware.
Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): Even though July is known as being associated with Cancer, you may find good fortune and blessings come your way at the beginning of the month, so it would be wise to embrace the good things coming your way. Even though there may be challenges when it comes to prosperity, there may also be a strong sense of instant rather than deferred gratification, so if you watch for your opportunities, you may find instant results. As July continues, the same themes may as well, but when it comes to romance, things may get a little weird, as Venus stations and retrogrades in your sign. This tells us that past romantic specters may overshadow the present, or perhaps your creativity does not produce like normal. In any case, the later in July it gets, the more things may blossom in your favor, setting the stage for a bright August.
Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): The home life and immediate family may be rolling along nice and smoothly right now, but there may be tension when it comes to spirituality and how you handle your emotions. To balance this out, you may find you are in a position to set the stage for long-term gain and growth, which also means that now is the time to focus on deferred gratification rather than instant. Your emotions may be out of sort, too, but this will change about a week into the month. As July continues, you may find your energy levels are stronger than normal, and that there is a lot more activity in your work life, which can help you seize the opportunities for long-term growth. Romance and creativity may require some minor adjustments, but in general the necessary work for those two topics may be small in the grand scheme of things.
Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): July may begin with a lot of challenges when it comes to communicating with loved ones and the immediate family, so you may find it wise to allow extra time for addressing these things. Your creativity may be rolling along great though, giving you the optimism necessary to achieve success. As the month progresses, it is worth noting that the good vibes continue when it comes to your creativity and romance, and people and situations from the past may come back up to address. Unexpected financial blessings may also come your way, and you may encounter a string of good fortune if you listen to your intuition when taking chances. If you’re not careful, your emotions may cloud your judgment around the middle of the month, but this will not last that long. You may also find that the more into the month it gets, the more your daily work life requires attention for the sake of adaptation.
Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): Spiritual and emotional initiations may be the theme of the month, so it would be wise to let your intuition be your guide, and to practice emotional control. There may be tension present when it comes to laying a foundation for the future as it pertains to prosperity and conscious expansion, and you may find challenges present when it comes to romance and creative self-expression. As July moves forward, a large part of the emphasis shifts to your daily work life, and you may find that not only are things rolling along nice and smoothly there, but there are also opportunities for forward movement. When Venus retrogrades, you may find you are impacted more than most signs, and in challenging ways. The deeper it gets into July, the more you may find challenges on the horizon for August.
Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): July 2023 may begin with a lot more energy at your disposal than normal, and while this is generally good, you may find it is too much of a good thing, and could cause accidents or short-tempers if not channeled productively. Emotions may be out of sorts at the beginning of the month, but this will even out within the first week. As July continues, things may get strange. While overall the high energy levels continue, you may find odd occurrences come your way that have to do with money through creative projects and romance. Your romantic life may also be rolling along well, with a new emphasis on livening things up in various ways. You may also find a streak of good fortune towards the end of the month, but it may be just what you need rather than providing a surplus.
Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): Communication may be tense when it comes to your immediate family and close loved ones, but to compensate, you may find it wise to focus on your money and investments, as now is a good time for future success. A lot of the tense communication fades by the middle of the month, and is replaced with more work in your daily office life. After the middle of the month, you may also find that more emphasis is placed on several major adjustments that may be necessary to achieve success when it comes to romance and mental healing. Your emotions may be out of sorts around the twentieth, but this will fade within a week, and the lesson for that time is to play the diplomat rather than begin hung up on who is right or wrong in any given conversation.
Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Tension and challenges may be present when it comes to more areas of your life than not, so it would be wise to be adaptable, but also to be open to new ways of doing things. During this time, you may also find challenges and present in general are the norm, but a lesson that can be extracted from this time is to adhere to a belief and practice, and through this devotion comes confidence and faith. As the month continues, the tension in the air may increase, and in general it is a lot of the same, the closer you get to August. The good news is that later in the month it is the perfect time to reach out to your friends for support and help achieving your goals. Playing things financially conservatively all month would be wise to do, too. Watch your diet, as gluttony may work against your health, and when possible, relax and take it easy, indulging in creature comforts.
Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Karma, emotions, spirituality, and creativity, may all be major themes at the beginning of the month, so it would be wise to keep a tight hold on all of those. You may find your ability to communicate with your immediate family and loved ones is on point, and that if you wanted to make any changes around the home, now is the time. Emotions may be out of sorts as the month starts, but this will fade quickly. As July matures, it is worth noting that the emphasis on karma and spiritual themes continues, but that a lot of the challenges earlier in the month have faded. There may be tension in the workplace later in the month, but this will only last about six weeks or so, and can be handled if you put your energy into projects, rather than letting your energy dictate how you conduct your business.
*For all signs-Venus retrogrades in Leo at twenty-eight degrees on July 21, 2023, and will go direct again on September 4th at twelve degrees Leo. Venus retrogrades about once every two years, and brings with it an emphasis on lessons learned from past relationships, how you handle your creativity, and how you connect with feminine energy.
*For all signs-Neptune retrogrades at the beginning of the month at twenty-seven degrees Pisces, and will stay retrograde until December 7, 2023, at twenty-five degrees Pisces. During this time, you may find it easier to break bad habits and addictions, and this is a good time to review your personal development path.
*For all signs-Chiron retrogrades at twenty degrees Aries on July 22, and will stay that way until December 28, 2023 at fifteen degrees Aries. When Chiron is retrograde, it tells us this is a good time for inner healing, either to yourself, or to receive it from others. These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop, who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website, and feel free to email him at
Category: Blog, Featured Item, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
We’ve got more Quick Reference Charts back in stock!! Oh, happy day. They are perfect for beginners and pros alike. Currently, we’ve got the following charts: Chakra, Crystal, Numerology, Palmistry, and Runes. Check them out for yourself. Oh… and they make awesome gifts.
Category: Featured Item, Horoscopes, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Horoscopes for the month of May 2023
Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): May 2023 may begin with a feeling that it is time to make some minor adjustments, especially regarding communication and how you handle electronics. You may also find pleasure with your friends, and money flows easily to you through the people you know. Opportunities for prosperity may exist if you act fast and have a contingency plan. As the month progresses, you may find that things no longer need minor adjustments and that friendships and communication are rolling along better than at the beginning of the month. However, challenges and growth opportunities may be present when it comes to your love life and your immediate family. You may also find that your house requires some TLC that costs money, but this may pay off better than expected in the long run.
Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st ): Happy birthday Taurus! This is your month to treat yourself and indulge in creature comforts. For the most part, May 2023 begins with a review process, not only of communication but also regarding how you approach your daily work and what you can do to ensure success in the long run. You may also find you are emotionally and spiritually growing, even though it may feel like it’s taking longer than you want. As the month continues, it is worth noting that your romantic life is rolling along well, as is the time you spend with your immediate family. You may also discover that your communication skills require some adjustments, but these are short-term. When the middle of the month arrives, you may find that your temper is shorter than normal but that you have above-average energy to get things done. It would also be wise to make sure your ego does not get in the way of growth.
Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Even though the sun does not move into Gemini until May 21st, you may find that love is in the air, as is good fortune, and both of these are especially true when it comes to people you know and how they can help. Your prosperity may continue to roll along easily, and if you are alert, you can maximize your gain. As the month progresses, things go from okay to spectacular, especially when Mercury directs. Towards the end of the month, your creativity may be stronger than normal, and your optimism may be infectious. While your daily life may require minor adjustments, these will only be needed in the short term. The opportunities present at the beginning of the month may be gone by the end, and now the attention turns to the maturation process of your emotions and spirituality.
Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st ): Even though there is a Mercury retrograde at the beginning of the month, you may find that otherwise, things are rolling along nicely and smoothly and that things are coming up that need to be dealt with anyway. Money may be tight, particularly when it comes to increasing your profit margin, and your ongoing work healing your wounds continues until the middle of the month. Once the middle of the month arrives, you may find that things clear up rather quickly, and while your daily life may be returning to normal, now is the time to make some communication adjustments. You may also find that good things may be coming your way in your romantic life and when it comes to your immediate family. Spiritual unfoldment and improving your ability to work with emotions may be two strong themes that last until June.
Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st ): The beginning of May 2023 may bring a host of challenges, especially regarding your daily life and diet, so it would be wise to tread lightly. However, you may also find your friendships rolling along nice and smooth, and money may be easily flowing through your connections. Until the middle of the month, you may find opportunities for long-term growth, but this will dramatically change the later it gets. As May continues, the challenges from earlier in the month may still be present, but they are not as intense as earlier. Mars enters Leo on May 21st, the same day the sun enters Gemini, and both of these mean that through the middle of June, you may find your energy levels are higher than normal, your fortune is better than usual, and your creativity is stronger than average.
Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): May 2023 may begin with strong
emotions, and the Mercury retrograde amplifies these at the start of the month, so it would be wise to keep control of your emotions and to address what needs it when it comes to your daily life and health. Money may flow through your fingers right now, and while your profit margin may not be that great, you are still treading water. There may also be challenges in communication when it comes to your love life. As the month continues, you may find that things line up for a strong foundation later this year if you keep working. The home life and immediate family may be rolling along well, and the romantic challenges from earlier in the month have dissipated as quickly as they arrived. Spiritual and emotional tension may also be present for the whole month, but these are
dull sounds in the background of your life and may not be overly intense.
Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st ): Even though home life and immediate family may have their share of challenges right now, you may find success when it comes to networking and spending time with friends. Money may be tight, too, but this will change later in the month. Your internal wounds that you have been working on for a while are still there to be healed, and one of the better ways to accrue the healing is through humility and honesty. As the month continues, you may see that inspiration is coming easier than normal and that this is a good time to lay the foundation for group participation. If you were born around the beginning of the sign of Libra, you are in a prime spot to lay a big, solid foundation that has to do with group participation and taking new approaches to old ideas. Mars moving into Leo may ignite your creativity and give you the energy to get things done.
Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st ): Every May, tension is in the air, but this year you may find it is more so than normal, especially because of the Mercury retrograde, so it would be wise to bury yourself in your work since it is rolling along smoothly at the start of the month. This is also a good time to be proactive regarding how you practice and live your spirituality and decide how and where you want to grow from here. As the month progresses, it is worth noting that when Mars enters Leo, your temper may be shorter than normal, and you have a higher-than-average energy level. Your creativity may also be stronger than normal, even though optimism may be hard to develop. Tense communication may be in the air the whole month, but towards the end, the emphasis changes from wrapping things up to going through the birthing process of your next project.
Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Money and romance may be full of tension as May 2023 begins, but these will be short-lived and should resolve by the end of the month. The first two weeks of May are still a good time to lay the foundation for projects that have to do with your self-expression, but to achieve success; you may have to take a second look at your emotions and spirituality because it may be time for a change. As the month continues, it is worth mentioning that you may feel a second win as Mars enters Leo, and your optimism and creativity may be stronger than normal. However, emotional tension may be present too, especially regarding subjects of conversation and your daily life, but this will be short-lived. The last two weeks of May may contain a lot of challenges in general, but a key to dealing with these things is to look inward and see what you need to change and why.
Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st ): Your home life and immediate
family may be full of tension right now, so it would be wise to stay detached and do what needs to be done for the whole of the unit. The beginning of May 2023 may be a prime time to lay a foundation in your career and daily life, as long as you clean up what needs to be cleaned up and are willing to be patient for your results. While home life stays the same for the entire month, you may discover that you no longer have to clear space or clean up leftover issues like at the start of the month. Rather, now is the time for proactivity and calculations. Your emotions and spirituality may roll along smoothly for the whole month, and lining up your personal development with physical world values may be the key to long-term success.
Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st ): The power of May 2023 should not be understated as you make your plans for the month. Pluto retrogrades in your sign on the first, and you may find challenges and growth opportunities related to your physical life and body. The Mercury retrograde may focus on electronics more than anything else, but in contrast, you may see that money and love are available to you through your friends and casual acquaintances. As May continues, it is worth noting that the challenges in the workplace and daily life are still there, but now your patience is
thinner and your temper shorter, prompting you to focus on keeping your ego in check and seeing where and when it would be wise to be humble and open to new approaches. The good news is that the later in the month it gets, the more fun there is to be had, and an outing with friends might just be what the doctor ordered.
Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Emotional tension and internal
maturation may be the two dominant themes at the beginning of May 2023, so it would be wise to detach as much as possible. You may also note that frivolous spending comes back to bite you in the rear, and your daily work life may call for adjustments. As May marches on, improvements may be common, and your daily life starts producing big results with some patience and dedication. Your emotions may still be tense, but this will be short-lived. Challenges as a theme may come into being around the 21st, and while some may be short-lived, they may still have ramifications that last for quite some time. ©2023 Bill Duvendack, 418 Ascendant LLC
*Mercury Directs on May 16th in Taurus.
*Pluto retrogrades May 1st until October 12th back into Capricorn.
These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill
Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and email him at
Category: Blog, New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Wanna know more about Beverly Trousdale?
Silva Method Graduate (1979)
Ordained Minister – Universal Life Church (1980)
Reiki Certification (1989)
Master of Metaphysical Science – University of Metaphysics (1994)
Holistic Coach
A native of Missouri, Reverend Trousdale has been a deep part of the Metaphysical Community in St.
Louis for more than 40 years, recently expanding her practice into Columbia, MO, and parts of Texas.
In the early days of the Community in St. Louis, Beverly was a reader at Mystic Valley Book Store, and a
regular part of the large psychic fair circuit of George Green’s Midwest-based Bandwagon, Inc and Faith
Ann Robinson’s National Fair Circuit.
She was a regular on the syndicated cable TV program “Ruth William’s Pathways to Astrology” and
has lectured at Southeast Missouri State University, Barns Hospital in St Louis, and many
private organizations in Missouri.
Beverly is a certified Hypnotist, Reiki Practitioner, Silva Mind Graduate, and an ordained Minister. As a Holistic Life Coach, teacher of Meditative Practices, reader of Tarot, Reiki Energy Healer and a Light Worker, she works with her clients on 3 levels: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT.
BODY, or physical level means working with what is happening in the client’s physical world; gaining
awareness of what is happening within the reality of their life experience. “I teach my clients how to create
their own realities.”
MIND, or thought level, Beverly teaches clients to come into awareness of their underlying limiting belief
systems. To overcome the energies that are manifesting negatively in their lives. She teaches her clients
to move beyond these limiting beliefs to incorporate positive thoughts, beliefs and actions that are better
aligned with their goals and desires. “I assist my clients in ways of Living within the flow of the Law of
SPIRIT or subconscious level, teaches clients to allow awareness of life in a co-creative Universe of The
Higher Power and to allow them to consciously connect with that Divine Center. “I encourage my clients
to develop a regular spiritual practice that feels right for them.”
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
In-person (Columbia, MO, at Heart, Body, & Soul) with HPS Amy Dove. Class begins February 23, 2023. Course fee: $375. Course fee may be paid up front or a payment plan of $25 per month is available. A non-refundable deposit of $75 is due by February 9th to secure your seat in the course. Classes are the 4th Thursdays from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Class dates are: 2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/25, 6/22, 7/27, 8/24, 9/28, 10/26, 11/16 (due to the Thanksgiving Holiday), 12/28, and 1/25/24 with initiation on Saturday, 2/3/24.
To register, please use the Witchcraft I with Amy Dove online form. You can also stop by HBS to sign up; however, you’ll have to pay her directly.
A year-long intensive apprenticeship in the science of Witchcraft. Through this course you will build a strong and solid foundation for your magickal work through the perspective of modern Witchcraft. You will:
Thus shall you begin development of a solid personal practice in the internal arts of Witchcraft.
Unlike many basic 101 courses, Witchcraft I will provide a deep foundation through thirteen detailed lessons and rituals for all magickal and spiritual studies for those desiring to meditate, develop psychic skills and start the path of the Witch, rather than relying on a quick spellbook. This is a foundation piece to further training in the five-level Temple of Witchcraft Tradition.
This year-long course fuses material from The Inner Temple of Witchcraft text (required reading) and The Inner Temple of Witchcraft CD Companion (required listening) with previously unreleased rituals and rites from the Temple of Witchcraft Book of Shadows. In-person students will work with a certified Temple teacher in monthly class sessions. Lessons can vary in size and scope with some months being light and others being more involved. Generally one month is given between lessons and you are expected to complete a lesson before receiving the next.
If you have questions, please contact Amy Dove via
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Our second class of the year is just around the corner – Meditation is Sunday, February 5th from 2 pm – 4 pm.
Meditation is a practice that involves focusing or clearing your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques. It can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace. Cost is $50.
To sign up, you can stop in or give us a call at 573-777-6771. Don’t wait too long, though. Space is limited.
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Have you ever had a Lenormand card reading?
Well now is the time! Eron Mazza will be here all day Saturday, December 17th giving 30-minute readings. Cost is $40.
Lenormand cards are different from Tarot and Oracle cards. There are just 36 cards in a Lenormand deck compared to the 78 of Tarot. Lenormand cards were initially used by the fortune-teller Marie Anne Lenormand who, according to legend, advised leaders of the French Revolution.
Call 573-777-6771 to reserve you time-slot today or stop in before they are all booked up!
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Mark your calendars because we are having a party on Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30th. It’s our 7th anniversary!!! Our parties are not to be missed! It’s going to be a fun time with raffles, demonstrations, readers, and more!!!