
March Horoscopes are here!

Category: Blog, Horoscopes, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Horoscopes for the month of March 2025

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): Not yet, Aries. I know you feel it coming, whatever “it” is, but not yet. March 2025 begins with an emphasis on your emotions and daily life and may even bring people from the past back into your life. Or perhaps your romantic life spices up a bit. Another positive to watch for is increased opportunities to make money through the people you know, but if you hesitate, you might miss out. However, the first two weeks may also bring challenges and issues with your immediate family or physical home. After the equinox, things may take a turn for the better, but in a sideways way. Until the middle of April, you may be dealing with internal changes and leftover things from the past, but after that, it’s “go” time. Travel, spirituality, and speaking your truth may all be helpful during the last two weeks of March.

Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): I hope you are enjoying this lull in the storm, Taurus because March begins with more easy-flowing fun with close friends, family, and good food. Even though Venus stationing tells us you may have ups and downs regarding money and romance, the good far outweighs the bad. This will continue for the first two weeks of March 2025, so enjoy it while you can. As the month progresses, a lot of the good vibes earlier in the month dissipate, but there is nothing bad to replace them, leaving the last two weeks something of an enjoyable time but bland as well. The ongoing transformation you’ve been experiencing will continue throughout the month, with some unexpected twists, but by and large, March may be just what the doctor ordered for your emotions and creativity.

Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): While you may feel optimistic at the beginning of the month, the challenges of emotions, creativity, and spirituality will most likely continue through the middle of the month. Venus retrograde may bring unexpected positive things, but there will be a price to be paid. Your emotions may be a strong power source, even though your personal picture might not be clear. As the month continues, you may feel a positive change as your emotions and spirituality begin to settle down. The process won’t be complete until Saturn and Neptune exit Pisces, but from equinox on, life might get a lot smoother, at least internally, if nothing else. Around equinox your emotions may be out of sorts, but this will be short-lived. To illustrate your fortune, the upcoming Mercury retrograde may not manifest as badly as expected.

Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Even though your emotions, creativity, and spirituality may be rolling along nice and smoothly right now, your love life and money may be sources of challenges as March 2025 begins, so it would be wise to focus on what you can control and not worry about what you can’t control. There are still inner wounds waiting to be healed. After the equinox, you may find that things get more challenging, as the Mercury retrograde brings challenges in communication, romance, and money on hand, so it would be wise to be cautious until April arrives. The good news is that this continues to be a good time to focus on your immediate family, close friends, and home life. Emotional tension may be present during the last week of the month, and this will have to do with issues between your career and your private life. However, this tension will fade by April 1.

Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): The past coming back up is a theme for most of March, so it would be wise to face it when it arrives and deal with it in appropriate ways. This is all part of the clean-up process, which is part of your ongoing personal transformation and your societal place. As the month continues, the emphasis on dealing with outstanding issues will continue, but now the emphasis is on how to position yourself for future growth and long-term stability. By chatting with people you know, you may find opportunities present themselves that have to do with prosperity and learning new things, but your daily life may continue to have its unexpected moments. Taking a trip (carefully planned with contingencies) might be a good release, as would spiritual growth and development.

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): March 2025 begins with a lot of emphasis on emotional, spiritual, and creative tension, so you may want to be patient and calculating when it comes to healing and moving ahead. It would also be wise to watch your words when casually chatting with friends, as those words may pose more problems than benefits. As the month continues, you may notice a lot of the tension from the beginning of the month subsides, which is the beginning of the light at the end of the tunnel. Once Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, you may feel the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders. With the retrogrades during the month and the gradual shift from Pisces to Aries focus, you may find this is a good month to wrap up anything outstanding and put your emotions first and foremost, perhaps even returning to previous projects such as creative or romantic ones, with the intent to resume them.

Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): March 2025 begins with a bang, as stationing Venus in Aries brings tension having to do with romance, particularly relationships from the past. The first two weeks of the month are also a good time to avoid impulse purchases. You may find that your friends can provide not only comfort but also learning opportunities and maybe even financial blessings. As the month continues, the tension grows, and you may feel like there is more to come, which there is, when Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, but that is still quite some time away. Returning to past situations, whether romantic, financial, or communicative, may be themes throughout the month. The second to last week of March brings opportunities for travel, foreign connections, or spiritual growth, depending on your current mindset.

Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): Can you feel it, Scorpios? Can you feel all of the energy in the air at your disposal? What is your intuition telling you? March 2025 is the beginning of the next part of your spiritual journey. You may find your emotions, creativity, spirituality, and maybe even romance are all going through a renaissance of sorts, but the water might be murky for the moment. This will clear over the next few months as Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, but your intuition is your guiding light for now. As the month progresses, you may find all of the good vibes from the first half of the month fade but are not replaced with anything bad. Rather, it is a neutral shift. This paves the way for recollection after recent events and a reassessment of where you are in life. Other than dealing with the Mercury and Venus retrogrades, you may find the bulk of the emphasis is on positively managing the energy around you because if you’re not careful, it may be too much of a good thing and may shorten your temper and make you accident prone if you are in a hurry.

Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Ouch. March 2025 begins with a mixed bag, but unfortunately, the trend is towards challenges and tension. At the beginning of the month, challenges having to do with creativity, spirituality, romance, and emotions may all be present, and there may be tension when it comes to money, prosperity, and social distractions. But, the tradeoff is that the Venus and Mercury retrogrades may bring things up from the past, but in the long run, this will be a good thing. Watch out for communication challenges concerning the ego and stubbornness, and if you are mindful, these cycles may bring positive results. As March progresses, the aforementioned challenges greatly decrease, and you may find yourself in a good position in most areas of life, with the only challenges remaining having to do with working through karma and other spiritual issues. This sets the stage for a strong beginning to April, so consider March 2025 a combination of cleaning up and setting the stage for the future.

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): March 2025 begins with challenges concerning spending habits, emotions, romance, and creativity. However, even though these will be around for a while, the tradeoff is that you may find your intuition is stronger than ever and that you are spiritually sound. There may also be tension in your home life and with close friends, but this has been going on for a while and will fade once Mars enters Leo. As March continues, things may get more challenging, emphasizing communication, specifically when it comes to communicating during times of anger. People from your past may come back up the last three weeks of March, and unfortunately, they may bring more challenges and problems than you desire. The good news is that they are all part of a cleaning-out process so that you can receive more, better things over the course of the next eighteen months.

Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Breathe deep, Aquarians, because you are one of the few signs that could have a positive start to March 2025. There are the ongoing challenges that have to do with daily life and a changing society, but other than that, even the retrogrades might bring easy-flowing good things your way, particularly as they pertain to romance, opportunities for quick cash, financial and educational opportunities through friends, so it would be wise to enter the month in a relaxed fashion to receive the smoothness coming your way. After the equinox, you might notice a shift for the better and the easier, even though the Venus and Mercury retrogrades continue. Traveling and studying spirituality may be two things that can help you recharge the last two weeks of the month, and this might also be a time when it is beneficial to speak your truth.

Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Happy (?) birthday, Pisces! This is your time, but is it really? Venus stationing in Aries may bring emotions that are out of sorts that could negatively affect your creativity, and your romantic life might be in turmoil, too. For the whole month, it is wise to watch what you spend with your friends and your words around them. A thick fog may be energetically felt, but some of the stagnation from February is fading. But, your spirituality may be stronger and deeper than ever, almost overwhelmingly so. The current emphasis is on your home life, long-time friends, and immediate family, whatever form this takes. The nature of this is being proactive for the future. As the month continues, new challenges replace what you’ve been dealing with for a few months, but these challenges are not as intense as the recent past, and many of them will fade quickly. As April starts, it may feel like a breath of fresh air, and there may be a second wind in your sails, so navigate the crossroads that is your month, reciting the Serenity Prayer as you go, and you may find the world opens up in April.

*For all signs: Venus stations retrograde on March 1st in Aries at eleven degrees and will be retrograde until April 13th, where it directs at twenty-four degrees Pisces. Watch for people from your past coming back up. Depending on your chart, this could be a rough time if you have lots of cardinal sign activity.

*For all signs: Mercury retrogrades on March 14th at nine degrees Aries and will be retrograde until April 8th, when it directs at twenty-seven degrees Pisces. If you have a lot of cardinal sign activity, you may find this is a challenging period that has to do with electronics, personal communication, and daily inconveniences. These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at

Cat Jameson – Chasing Shadows Book Signing

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Cat Kelly ….. as Cat Jameson will be here March 2 signing her new book, Chasing Shadows.

Spicy Romance
Meets Legal Suspense

When the sexy stranger from the one-night-stand she can’t forget turns out to be the key witness against her client …
and somebody is trying to kill him.

So mark your calendars, folks, and if you are within driving distance of COMO, would love to have you stop by.


Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Horoscopes for the month of March 2025

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): Not yet, Aries. I know you feel it coming, whatever “it” is, but not yet. March 2025 begins with an emphasis on your emotions and daily life and may even bring people from the past back into your life. Or perhaps your romantic life spices up a bit. Another positive to watch for is increased opportunities to make money through the people you know, but if you hesitate, you might miss out. However, the first two weeks may also bring challenges and issues with your immediate family or physical home. After the equinox, things may take a turn for the better, but in a sideways way. Until the middle of April, you may be dealing with internal changes and leftover things from the past, but after that, it’s “go” time. Travel, spirituality, and speaking your truth may all be helpful during the last two weeks of March.

Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): I hope you are enjoying this lull in the storm, Taurus because March begins with more easy-flowing fun with close friends, family, and good food. Even though Venus stationing tells us you may have ups and downs regarding money and romance, the good far outweighs the bad. This will continue for the first two weeks of March 2025, so enjoy it while you can. As the month progresses, a lot of the good vibes earlier in the month dissipate, but there is nothing bad to replace them, leaving the last two weeks something of an enjoyable time but bland as well. The ongoing transformation you’ve been experiencing will continue throughout the month, with some unexpected twists, but by and large, March may be just what the doctor ordered for your emotions and creativity.

Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): While you may feel optimistic at the beginning of the month, the challenges of emotions, creativity, and spirituality will most likely continue through the middle of the month. Venus retrograde may bring unexpected positive things, but there will be a price to be paid. Your emotions may be a strong power source, even though your personal picture might not be clear. As the month continues, you may feel a positive change as your emotions and spirituality begin to settle down. The process won’t be complete until Saturn and Neptune exit Pisces, but from equinox on, life might get a lot smoother, at least internally, if nothing else. Around equinox your emotions may be out of sorts, but this will be short-lived. To illustrate your fortune, the upcoming Mercury retrograde may not manifest as badly as expected.

Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Even though your emotions, creativity, and spirituality may be rolling along nice and smoothly right now, your love life and money may be sources of challenges as March 2025 begins, so it would be wise to focus on what you can control and not worry about what you can’t control. There are still inner wounds waiting to be healed. After the equinox, you may find that things get more challenging, as the Mercury retrograde brings challenges in communication, romance, and money on hand, so it would be wise to be cautious until April arrives. The good news is that this continues to be a good time to focus on your immediate family, close friends, and home life. Emotional tension may be present during the last week of the month, and this will have to do with issues between your career and your private life. However, this tension will fade by April 1.

Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): The past coming back up is a theme for most of March, so it would be wise to face it when it arrives and deal with it in appropriate ways. This is all part of the clean-up process, which is part of your ongoing personal transformation and your societal place. As the month continues, the emphasis on dealing with outstanding issues will continue, but now the emphasis is on how to position yourself for future growth and long-term stability. By chatting with people you know, you may find opportunities present themselves that have to do with prosperity and learning new things, but your daily life may continue to have its unexpected moments. Taking a trip (carefully planned with contingencies) might be a good release, as would spiritual growth and development.

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): March 2025 begins with a lot of emphasis on emotional, spiritual, and creative tension, so you may want to be patient and calculating when it comes to healing and moving ahead. It would also be wise to watch your words when casually chatting with friends, as those words may pose more problems than benefits. As the month continues, you may notice a lot of the tension from the beginning of the month subsides, which is the beginning of the light at the end of the tunnel. Once Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, you may feel the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders. With the retrogrades during the month and the gradual shift from Pisces to Aries focus, you may find this is a good month to wrap up anything outstanding and put your emotions first and foremost, perhaps even returning to previous projects such as creative or romantic ones, with the intent to resume them.

Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): March 2025 begins with a bang, as stationing Venus in Aries brings tension having to do with romance, particularly relationships from the past. The first two weeks of the month are also a good time to avoid impulse purchases. You may find that your friends can provide not only comfort but also learning opportunities and maybe even financial blessings. As the month continues, the tension grows, and you may feel like there is more to come, which there is, when Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, but that is still quite some time away. Returning to past situations, whether romantic, financial, or communicative, may be themes throughout the month. The second to last week of March brings opportunities for travel, foreign connections, or spiritual growth, depending on your current mindset.

Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): Can you feel it, Scorpios? Can you feel all of the energy in the air at your disposal? What is your intuition telling you? March 2025 is the beginning of the next part of your spiritual journey. You may find your emotions, creativity, spirituality, and maybe even romance are all going through a renaissance of sorts, but the water might be murky for the moment. This will clear over the next few months as Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, but your intuition is your guiding light for now. As the month progresses, you may find all of the good vibes from the first half of the month fade but are not replaced with anything bad. Rather, it is a neutral shift. This paves the way for recollection after recent events and a reassessment of where you are in life. Other than dealing with the Mercury and Venus retrogrades, you may find the bulk of the emphasis is on positively managing the energy around you because if you’re not careful, it may be too much of a good thing and may shorten your temper and make you accident prone if you are in a hurry.

Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Ouch. March 2025 begins with a mixed bag, but unfortunately, the trend is towards challenges and tension. At the beginning of the month, challenges having to do with creativity, spirituality, romance, and emotions may all be present, and there may be tension when it comes to money, prosperity, and social distractions. But, the tradeoff is that the Venus and Mercury retrogrades may bring things up from the past, but in the long run, this will be a good thing. Watch out for communication challenges concerning the ego and stubbornness, and if you are mindful, these cycles may bring positive results. As March progresses, the aforementioned challenges greatly decrease, and you may find yourself in a good position in most areas of life, with the only challenges remaining having to do with working through karma and other spiritual issues. This sets the stage for a strong beginning to April, so consider March 2025 a combination of cleaning up and setting the stage for the future.

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): March 2025 begins with challenges concerning spending habits, emotions, romance, and creativity. However, even though these will be around for a while, the tradeoff is that you may find your intuition is stronger than ever and that you are spiritually sound. There may also be tension in your home life and with close friends, but this has been going on for a while and will fade once Mars enters Leo. As March continues, things may get more challenging, emphasizing communication, specifically when it comes to communicating during times of anger. People from your past may come back up the last three weeks of March, and unfortunately, they may bring more challenges and problems than you desire. The good news is that they are all part of a cleaning-out process so that you can receive more, better things over the course of the next eighteen months.

Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Breathe deep, Aquarians, because you are one of the few signs that could have a positive start to March 2025. There are the ongoing challenges that have to do with daily life and a changing society, but other than that, even the retrogrades might bring easy-flowing good things your way, particularly as they pertain to romance, opportunities for quick cash, financial and educational opportunities through friends, so it would be wise to enter the month in a relaxed fashion to receive the smoothness coming your way. After the equinox, you might notice a shift for the better and the easier, even though the Venus and Mercury retrogrades continue. Traveling and studying spirituality may be two things that can help you recharge the last two weeks of the month, and this might also be a time when it is beneficial to speak your truth.

Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Happy (?) birthday, Pisces! This is your time, but is it really? Venus stationing in Aries may bring emotions that are out of sorts that could negatively affect your creativity, and your romantic life might be in turmoil, too. For the whole month, it is wise to watch what you spend with your friends and your words around them. A thick fog may be energetically felt, but some of the stagnation from February is fading. But, your spirituality may be stronger and deeper than ever, almost overwhelmingly so. The current emphasis is on your home life, long-time friends, and immediate family, whatever form this takes. The nature of this is being proactive for the future. As the month continues, new challenges replace what you’ve been dealing with for a few months, but these challenges are not as intense as the recent past, and many of them will fade quickly. As April starts, it may feel like a breath of fresh air, and there may be a second wind in your sails, so navigate the crossroads that is your month, reciting the Serenity Prayer as you go, and you may find the world opens up in April.

*For all signs: Venus stations retrograde on March 1st in Aries at eleven degrees and will be retrograde until April 13th, where it directs at twenty-four degrees Pisces. Watch for people from your past coming back up. Depending on your chart, this could be a rough time if you have lots of cardinal sign activity.

*For all signs: Mercury retrogrades on March 14th at nine degrees Aries and will be retrograde until April 8th, when it directs at twenty-seven degrees Pisces. If you have a lot of cardinal sign activity, you may find this is a challenging period that has to do with electronics, personal communication, and daily inconveniences. These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at

Saturday, October 26 – It’s our Birthday!

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Dress up in your favorite costume and come celebrate 🎉 with us.

We will have awesome raffles throughout the day along with some great sales, and a whole lotta fun 🤩!!!

The celebration begins at 11:00 am!!!

Then, we’ll kick off Trivia Night at 6:30 pm. You can sign up individually or create a team of up to 6. It’s just $20 a person!!!

Give us a call 573-777-6771 or stop by to sign up.

We will close out our celebration on Sunday, October 27 at 6:30 pm with our Open Samhain Ritual. Dress up or casually and bring something yummy to share afterwards. 😉

Astro-Hues: Unveiling the Color Palette for Each Zodiac Sign

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Embark on a celestial journey where the vibrant tapestry of the cosmos intertwines with the hues that paint our world. In this Redfin article, we will delve into the mystical connection between zodiac signs and the shades that resonate most deeply with each individual. So whether you are an Aries renting an apartment in Providence, RI, or a Taurus living in a townhouse in Cambridge, MA, join us as we unravel the secrets of the universe, one color at a time.

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Pinks, reds, and light greens

Aries individuals are dynamic and assertive, driven by their passion and determination to conquer challenges. Their fiery personality resonates with bold and vibrant colors, symbolizing their energy, courage, and leadership qualities.

“Embrace the energetic spirit of Aries with vibrant hues like ‘Pleasant Pink’ by Benjamin Moore in your space,” recommends paint company Benjamin Moore Thailand.

“Vedic astrology emphasizes ‘Rashi’ or moon sign as your true nature. Aries moon signs should go for red-tone paints in your houses and offices to resonate with the vibrancy of your basic radiant nature. Red ensures boundless energy levels,” adds online astrology consultant StarsTell.

“Aries are naturally drawn to rich jewel tones for their wall colors. That fiery spirit needs some balance, so SW Jericho Jade is the perfect bedroom wall color,” shares photographer Caitlyn Nicole.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Warm browns, beige, greens, and mulberry

Taurus individuals are known for their grounded and practical nature, often embodying stability and reliability in their personality. Earthy tones reflect their connection to nature, showcasing their nurturing disposition and steadfast approach to life’s endeavors.

Apothecary Anima Mundi Herbals says, “Taurus individuals may find comfort and grounding in earthy tones like warm browns or soft beige, fostering a sense of stability and security in their environment.”

“Taurus is the most sensual sign. It represents money and growth, so greens of all kinds tend to be chosen most often. However, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, rules the sign of Taurus. Venus wouldn’t be opposed to adding a luscious mulberry rose to your decor to enliven all your senses,” states Patricia Selmo of Cosmic Energy Coaching.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Yellows and plums

Gemini individuals are characterized by their curious and adaptable nature, often displaying versatility and quick wit in their interactions. Colors like yellow resonate with their lively personality.

“For Gemini, a lively and versatile air sign, ‘Sunshine Yellow’ offers a burst of energy and creativity, making it an excellent choice for a home office or living area where ideas flow freely, shares resume writing service Resume By Nico. “Alternatively, Scorpio’s intensity and passion are perfectly captured by ‘Midnight Plum,’ a deep, rich hue that creates a sense of mystery and sophistication, ideal for a Scorpio’s study or personal sanctuary, where focus and contemplation are key.”

“With summer just around the corner, lively Gemini brims with energy and new ideas. Sunny yellows brighten rooms and moods alike,” remarks the collective Heart, Body, & Soul.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

White and silver

Cancer individuals are deeply empathetic and nurturing, often displaying a strong emotional intuition and a profound connection to their loved ones. Soft and soothing colors like silver and white reflect their gentle and caring personality.

“The perfect color for cancer is white, symbolizing purity and comfort and aligning well with Cancer’s nurturing and protective nature,” says astrologist All Things Vedic. “This makes the environment calm and peaceful, providing a space to renew and recharge for the next day. It can brighten any living space and counterbalance any mood swings with an uplifting and positive vibe. Whites also offer the flexibility to blend eclectic tastes into your decor seamlessly.”

Leo: July 23 – August 22

Reds, golds, yellows, and pinks 

Leo individuals are charismatic and confident, exuding a natural magnetism and a flair for the dramatic. Vibrant and regal colors resonate with their bold personality.

“Leo – bright and sunny personalities with bold emotions and passions. So stick with reds, golds, and bright pinks,” suggests author  Winnifred Tataw of Win’s Books.

“Leo’s surroundings need to be cloaked in colors that reflect their regal stature and sense of fun. Fiery colors like red, orange, yellow, and gold are Leo’s natural palette, highlighting this fire sign’s exuberance and flair for the dramatic,” states astrologer Nancy Massing.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Earth tones – blues and grays

Virgo individuals are known for their practicality, attention to detail, and analytical mindset, often displaying a methodical approach to life’s challenges. Subtle and earthy colors reflect their grounded personality.

Alexis Brooks, Editor of Conscious Lifestyle and Spirituality Blog Higher Journeys, says, “The sign of Virgo is one that I’ve found stays fairly true to form when it comes to color association. Virgo is often linked to earth tones and muted colors reflecting practicality, organization, and attention to detail – all of which are hallmark traits of this fastidious earth sign.”

“Virgos need clean and crisp colors to match their personalities.  Being an earth sign, go for a rich sage green like Farrow and Ball’s Blue Gray, or try their Stiffly Blue, which has a feminine softness much like a Virgo, remarks astrologer and writer Leslie McGuirk.

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Peach and pink

Libra individuals are renowned for their diplomacy, charm, and sense of balance, often seeking harmony in their relationships and surroundings. Soft and harmonious colors resonate with their graceful personality.

“Pantone’s color of the year, Peach Fuzz, is perfect to bring into your home as a Libra,” shares astrology website Astrology Hub. “It will help you stay on trend and bring a soft, harmonizing vibe to any room in your home. If you’re not up for a peachy wall, this is a great accent pillow and throw color to add to your mix so you can easily change it up next year.”

“Libra is a bejeweled sign that appreciates beauty and balance. Ruled by Venus, fuchsia pink realigns Libra to their spirited and social nature, so they express the airy and passionate advocates that they are,” adds spiritual empowerer The Valkyrie Mystic.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Rich shades – teals, burgundy, midnight blue

Scorpio individuals are intense, passionate, and fiercely determined, often embodying a magnetic and enigmatic presence. Deep and mysterious colors reflect their complex personality.

Summer camp blog Happy Camper Live says, “A deep teal is an exceptional choice for a Scorpio. This color combines Scorpio’s characteristic depth and intensity with the refreshing, rejuvenating qualities of the natural world. Deep teal embodies the mystery and resilience of Scorpio while also echoing the calming influence of water and the outdoors.”

“Scorpios love color. The deeper, richer shades excite. Think burgundy, midnight blue, forest, or gold. A bold palette is key whether in wall color or decorative interiors,” states Craig of Sage of Stars.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Purple and red 

Sagittarius individuals are adventurous, optimistic, and free-spirited, often driven by a thirst for knowledge and new experiences. Bright and expansive colors resonate with their adventurous side.

“Sagittarius will exude confidence in luxury red, orange, and gold hues,” remarks psychic Nirvana Light.

“Sagittarius is a fire sign, ruled by Jupiter,” states My Astro. “Sagittarians like to see the big picture and to travel. They tend to be optimistic and outgoing. Purple shows their interest in spiritual matters and conveys wisdom. Deep blue reflects the strong connection to deeper states of awareness that Sagittarians seek. Colors that convey a positive and adventurous spirit are what a Sagittarian would enjoy.”

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Dark colors: Grey, greens, and blacks

Capricorn individuals are ambitious, disciplined, and pragmatic, often displaying a strong sense of responsibility and determination in pursuing their goals. Classic and sophisticated colors showcase their ability to be grounded.

Dark blue, grey, forest green, and black are your choices if you wish to enhance Saturn’s stabilizing influence on the disciplined and determined Capricorn,” says “These colors convey strength and resilience.”

“Earthy Capricorn is a muted sign that is prone to melancholy, steadfast, stubbornness, and hardworking. They like the immovable Charcoal Black #36454F. This time of the year can be dark, which is why Capricorns have an affinity for Olive Grey #847A66 to drop in their martini. Finally, to cheer up the dour mood, a Capricorn would pick Skeptic #A5BCAB because nothing makes a Capricorn happier than doubting someone else,” shares astrologist Heart Astrology.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Jewel tones 

“Aquarius individuals are progressive, inventive, and humanitarian, often driven by a strong sense of idealism and a desire for positive change in the world,” notes Business Astrologer Kathryn Hocking. “Electric and unconventional colors resonate with their innovative traits.

To keep you feeling inspired, feature walls and colors in your home that are bright, bold, and perhaps a little quirky, like a firetruck red and jewel tone sapphire blue and emerald green.” 

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Dreamy greens or lavenders 

Pisces individuals are compassionate, intuitive, and imaginative, often embodying empathy and sensitivity towards others. Dreamy and ethereal colors reflect their gentle personality.

“As we are in the Pisces season, let’s look at the paint color they would choose for their homes. Dreamy seafoam green or soothing lavender could be the perfect choices, reflecting their imaginative and empathetic nature, creating a serene sanctuary that harmonizes with their fluid and mystical personality,” shares journal store journalstogive.

If you are represented by an agent, this is not a solicitation of your business. This article is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional advice from a medical provider, licensed attorney, financial advisor, or tax professional. Consumers should independently verify any agency or service mentioned will meet their needs. Learn more about our Editorial Guidelines here..

Ryan Castillo

Content Marketing Manager

Ryan is part of the Content Marketing team and enjoys writing about market trends and local insights. His dream home would be a large cape cod-style house by the beach.

Adam Sartwell is coming to HBS April 24th!!!

Category: Blog, New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Adam Sartwell, cofounder of the Temple of Witchcraft, will be here doing readings and teaching a class – Connecting with Your Spirit Guides on Wednesday, April 24th. Call us to sign up and reserve your spot. Classes and readings are limited.

Adam Sartwell works as a certified Consulting Hypnotist with certification by NGH and ICBCH, and professional Tarot reader. He is a co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft. Award wining Author of Twenty-one days of Reiki and The Blessing Cord. For more information on his work as a hypnotist  and online courses go to To see more about his work as an author, psychic reader,  and teacher go to his website

Book Signing w/ Rexanna Ipock-Brown

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Rexanna Ipock-Brown has added a new novel to her Loving Monsters Series and will be signing her new book on Saturday, December 16th from 12 pm – 4 pm. If you love books with adventurous witches trying to find love, smoking hot shifters and vampires, and swoon-worthy love scenes, then you won’t want to miss out.

Greta Aqen is done being the good girl witch. In a chance meeting with a man on a motorcycle her inner bad girl gives him a kiss. That kiss wakes up her fantasy of what this Leather Boy could do with her.

Leather Boy, otherwise known as Rhys Gold is not in the market for any long-term relationships, but after a kiss that has his fangs popping, this vampire wouldn’t mind a night of passion with the crazy woman at the grocery store. However, he comes to his senses and rides off into the night.

Fate has other plans. They meet again and the fire between them is a flaring inferno. Greta has her life planned out and it doesn’t include Rhys. Rhys is fine with that until something happens that changes both of their lives.

This is a stand-alone with a HEA. There is a first book that does introduce some of the characters and the world they live in, Rosemary Wolfe, M. D. (Monster Doctor). This series has characters that are intense in the bedroom as well as out. Better suited for mature readers.

Rexanna is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Columbia chapter of the Missouri Writer’s Guild. Her characters are drawn from her work as a psychic consultant. She has assisted police departments with cold cases, was a popular guest on radio call-in shows, and has been featured on local and national television. She and her dog, Oberon Lugh, take magical walks daily to commune with nature.

Horoscopes for the month of December 2023

Category: Blog, Horoscopes, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): As December 2023 begins, you may find an abundance of energy present to help you achieve your goals, so it would be wise to have your list of goals for the month ready. A challenge may be present when it comes to personal communication in the workplace, but this can be mitigated by taking extra time to be clear when dealing with coworkers. Romantic relationships may be wrought with challenges, too, but this will be short-lived. Tension may generally be present the first few days, but this will fade quickly. As the month continues, the workplace may become the focal point for the last two weeks, as wrapping up projects and dealing with misunderstandings may take center stage. This may present challenges to other areas of life, but the silver lining is that if you do the work, you could enter 2024 with a clean and healed slate.

Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): Emotionally, December 2023 may begin with its share of challenges, but these will fade within the first few days. Like Aries, the workplace may take center stage, but unlike the rams, the Taurus emphasizes laying a foundation for the future. Prosperity and expansion remain two major themes throughout the month but be careful to keep the expansion to positive areas of life rather than the waistline. As December matures, your career and occupation may take precedence, and while some of this has to do with wrapping up projects by the end of the calendar year, some may also address laying the groundwork for 2024. The last week of the month may be full of pleasure to an excess, a danger to avoid. Watch for unexpected financial and health blessings coming your way to usher in the New Year.

Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Even though tension may be in the air when it comes to speaking your truth and traveling, you may find a sense of optimism and creativity is also present. Regarding your romantic relationships, you may find that your decisions now have far-lasting consequences. The more tender you are now when interacting with your paramours, the better off you may be to begin 2024. As December advances, most of the tension in the air will dissipate, but remember that Mercury retrograde is coming up, so the more you remain adaptable and humble, the more you can resolve before the New Year. Spiritual challenges may remain the entire month, but these are all part of your maturation process and can be dealt with with patience and deferred gratification.

Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Tension may be the theme of the beginning of December, so if you were hoping for a gentle start, you may be disappointed. Challenges may be present regarding your inner healing, romantic relationships, workplace communication, and figuring out your spiritual direction. However, your creativity, intuition, financial abundance, and good health are in your favor. As December continues, many of the challenges fade, but one life area that may still need to be dealt with is the career and occupation. Communication problems may be frequent, and there may be a sense of urgency to wrap up projects before the calendar’s end. Your daily life may interfere with where you’re going in a broad sense, but not all interferences are bad, as you may learn. Enjoyment may be found in getting to the root of repetitive patterns in relationships if you take the time to research.

Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): Like Aries, you may find excess energy at your disposal as December 2023 begins, and with this may come increased optimism and creativity. Romantic relationships are also rolling along smoothly at this time, and with this may come money and access to the finer things in life. Regarding finances and food, it would be wise to play things conservatively until 2024 arrives. As December continues, you may discover the extra energy has dissipated to be replaced by challenges in your romantic relationships. These problems may be due to ego clashes, so compromising when appropriate would be smart. Your daily life may still be full of unexpected situations that challenge your emotional control, and you may be more prone to excess than normal, so while you’re looking ahead to 2024, keep your focus on daily life if possible.  

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): Challenges and problems may come up at the beginning of the month that have to do with travel, investments, and your ongoing spiritual dilemmas, so you may find it smart to focus on what you can control rather than trying to control everything. Your career, money, and daily life may be a good focal point for your attention. If you focus on these, you may find you can put yourself in a good position for 2024. As the month progresses, many of the challenges from earlier in the month dissipate and are replaced with communication issues, especially in your workplace. Money through business may flow easily to you, and your romantic life may be extra intense, for ill and for well. The Mercury retrograde may focus on how you speak to others, as you may find it is time to change your approach to dealing with people.

Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): Romantic relationships may continue to be a major focal point for the beginning of December, and I encourage you to ride this wave as much as possible because this will dissipate shortly after the end of the first week. Your creativity may be stronger than normal, too, and if you apply yourself, you may discover that your projects turn out better than desired. As December matures, the good times change to challenges that have to do with your career, occupation, and overall direction of life. Travel may be enjoyable towards the latter part of the month, but to offset this, you may find it is time to eat a piece of humble pie or at least be honest with yourself about some uncomfortable truths about your personality. With some work, you may find you are in a position to create spiritual growth.

Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): When it comes to your daily life, you may find the best way to proceed as December begins is by playing things conservatively and cautiously. Your career may be rolling along nicely at the beginning of the month, but your personal life may require many minor adjustments through mid-December. As the month continues, you may get tested on your ability to deal with daily life, health, and money, but if you handle these subjects well, it might just free up your energy and attention to focus on the big picture of life rather than the small details. Money may flow easily to you through your business the later in the month it gets, and your romantic life may show a spark of passion and intensity.

Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Happy birthday Sagittarians! This is your month to let your hair down and celebrate. Optimism, extra energy, wanderlust, creativity, and good fortune may all be found in abundance, so if you stay alert, you may capitalize on many good things that might otherwise be missed. Romantic relationships may be rolling along nicely and smoothly, but the later they get in the month, the more they may require adjustments. As December marches, adjustments may become the norm rather than the exception. This may be particularly true in your career and romantic relationships. Impulsiveness may be a temptation to deal with throughout the month, as is the desire to be blunt rather than tactful. It would also be smart to be careful when traveling.

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): Personal communication and adaptability in the workplace may be major themes that usher in December 2023, and if handled carefully, you may maneuver yourself into a solid position to welcome January 2024. Dealing with money and work may be smart for the beginning of the month, and paying attention to your diet would also be good to keep in mind. As the month progresses, you may find that almost everything, and I do mean almost everything, comes together and rolls along smoothly. The only challenges left as January 2024 looms have to do with internal healing, particularly concerning your ego and sense of self. Do your best to avoid head injuries, and be careful with your sweet tooth.

Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Your daily life may continue to present challenges, which might also be true of money and health as December 2023 begins. Your emotions may be tense at the beginning of the month, but this will only last a few days. Traveling might be a good remedy around the beginning of the month, so if you get the chance, you may want to indulge. As December advances, things may become generally challenged, with special emphasis on your daily life, romantic relationships, and money through business. A subtle danger to note is that of getting in your way, and this can be remedied through humility and being open to new and different ways to do things. This is part of your ongoing internal healing process and can help you open up to new, positive experiences towards the middle of 2024.

Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): On the surface, things might be rolling along nicely and smoothly as December 2023 begins, but if you dig deeper, you will find challenges and problems that have to do with spirituality and travel. Communication may also be challenged, but specifically, as it pertains to speaking your truth. Money may easily come to you through your daily grind, and expansion opportunities can be found around every corner. Once the middle of the month rolls around, a sense of even better things may come for you in early 2024. Dangers while traveling, spiritual quandaries, and issues with honesty may be the only problems left to deal with in late December, but if these are handled well, January 2024 may bring a whole new positive world full of potential waiting to be developed.

*FOR ALL SIGNS: Mercury retrogrades on December 12th at eight degrees Capricorn and will stay retrograde until January 2nd, which will be at twenty-two degrees Sagittarius. Thus, for the whole month, do your best to avoid miscommunications and address whatever unresolved workplace projects are outstanding so that you can enter 2024 with as clean of a slate as possible. This also means playing it safe while traveling on New Year’s Eve.

These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at

November Horoscopes

Category: Blog, Horoscopes, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

What’s in Your Future?

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): November 2023 may start with more fire than
you can handle, Aries, so it would be wise to go into the month with a plan for monthly
achievements. You may also find that you are shorter-tempered than normal if you are
opposed. A good way to handle the beginning of the month is by chatting with friends
and easing into it rather than fully launching into it. As the month progresses, you may
see that optimism fills the air and that there is a new sense of hope and positive vibes.
You may also find tension in your romantic relationships, but this will be short-lived.
One of the better ways to handle this is through diplomacy and making appropriate and
healthy concessions. By the very end of the month, you may be emotionally charged to
start December.

Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): The theme of the first few weeks of
November may be tension, especially regarding communication and business, so it would
be wise to take a detached approach to things. You may also discover that the unexpected
is still the norm in daily life, but it might easily be manageable since this has happened
for a while. As the month progresses, you may notice the majority of that tension
dissipates, but there is still a lingering short temper. Emotional and spiritual themes may
take up much of your time and energy, but if you play your cards right, you can lay a
foundation for long-term deferred growth. Your creativity and imagination may be
stronger than normal, but it could bring confusion and a lack of clarity if you don’t put it
to good use.

Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Stronger than normal emotions may be
how November 2023 begins, and one of the better ways to channel this is by talking to
friends and engaging in frivolous activities. There may be challenges when it comes to
money coming to you through your day job, and if you are not mindful, health challenges
may crop up, too. Regarding romance, it is worth noting that now is a good time to
dissect things and take them apart rather than looking at the superficial. As the month
continues, there may be a shift in the air regarding communication, and you may find this
is a source of tension. You may be called on to be decisive towards the end of the month,
which might be counterintuitive, although it is the right way to proceed. There may be
challenges when it comes to your emotions, too, but these can be mitigated through faith
and spirituality.

Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st ): November 2023 may start with a blast of
intensity, whether it concerns business or your words carrying more weight than normal,
so it would be wise to be cautious and calculating. Another theme for the first two weeks
is taking care of the resources you share with others. Money may flow easily through
your daily job, and taking time to clean, especially the kitchen and offices would be wise.
As the month matures, you may find the intensity dissipates, but now there are challenges
when it comes to romance. There may also be problems when it comes to diplomacy with
your loved ones, and one of the better ways to handle this is through the system of give
and take.

Leo (Approx. July 21st to August 21st ): Challenges galore may be the theme of the first
two weeks of November, but most of these will have to do with business, playing well
with others, and business communication. On the bright side, this is the perfect time to
reach out and chat with others. Finding advice and comfort with friends may be
especially helpful. With some minor adjustments, you may find more money comes to
you through your daily work life. If applicable, early November is also a good time to
change your diet. As the month progresses, you may discover that optimism and
increased energy are prevalent, so let this be the light guiding you through the first half of
the month. Your romantic relationships may take a turn for the positive, too, and this
could result in money through your relationship or simply a deepening love with your

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): Business, business, business may be
the dominant theme for the beginning of the month, so if you hit the ground running, you
may find you can tap into a lot of potential waiting to be grabbed. Unexpected money
may easily come to you during the first two weeks, and adjusting your diet may also be
worth it. Love is flowing nicely at this time, too, even though you may not feel open to it
spiritually. As November evolves, you may find challenges in communication, especially
when it comes to being honest and direct. The same romantic relationships that were
good at the beginning of the month may require minor adjustments for success, but if
these changes are made, things may turn out very well over December.

Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st ): I realize that at the beginning of
November, you may want to chat with your friends and indulge in a variety of interests,
but this could take you away from achieving success if you make minor, necessary
adjustments when it comes to business and your professional life. It may also be worth it
to make changes to your diet. As the month moves forward, money may start easily
flowing your way through your contacts. Romance may also come easily to you, bringing
with it very good blessings. Optimism may be in the air, and your communication skills
will be sharper than normal if you stick to clarity and directness. Emotional tension may
be in the air for the last two weeks, but this will quickly dissipate. Spiritual tension may
remain in place, and although this has been going on for a while, you may see that your
inner changes are now gaining traction.

Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st ): Happy birthday, Scorpios! This
is your month, and while I realize many of you have already had birthdays, that does not
mean you can’t celebrate more! November starts with a lot of emphasis on business,
being proactive there, and money easily coming to you through those channels. Your
health may also be very good right now as well. As November marches on, you may find
that your adaptability skills are showcased and that by using them, you can achieve
surprising success in your daily work life and maybe even your romantic relationships.
Even though you may feel emotionally solid and ready to go, this may be a good time to
focus on what’s coming next rather than what you want to happen. Mars energy may play
a heavy role for the whole month, culminating in a climax around the last week of the

Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): With November 2023, we inch
closer to your birthday, but before you get there, you may find challenges that have to
deal with money through work and your romantic relationships take the majority of your
time and energy. The first couple of weeks are all about adjustments, but most of those
will have to do with your professional life specifically. Be prepared for people to take
what you say to heart, so choose your words carefully. As November goes forth, you may
notice that proactivity is the name of the game, and the more you put it out there, the
more you set yourself up for maximizing future opportunities. Communication and
adaptability may be two major themes, and the good news is that both may be coming
easily to you. Sharing your spirituality with others may be good for the soul, or travel
may be very nurturing if you are so inclined.

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st ): Like other signs, business and
professional development may be the two major themes that start November, and in your
case, these are not only flowing along nicely and smoothly, but they may also be
producing stronger results than expected. This is also a good time to clean your office,
body, or both. As the month continues, challenges in your romantic life may be common
around the middle of the month. Frivolously spending money in the presence of friends
may be a danger to avoid. The emphasis on the workplace may dissipate, but in its place
is a focus on adaptation, particularly communication. You may also sense emotional and
spiritual changes are coming, but their nature is evolution rather than degradation. Watch
your temper for a few days after the sun enters Sagittarius, and if you do that, you may
find the ambient energy can be channeled into productive projects.

Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st ): Challenges, as they have to do
with sex, business, and shared resources, may all be themes for the first half of
November, so it would be wise to apply your intelligence to whatever comes up. The
good news is that you can find help by contacting your friends and having brief
networking conversations when possible. As November matures, the ambient energy
changes to that of optimism and clear communication. Your romantic relationships may
also take a turn for the better, and this is a good time to engage in diplomacy in whatever
life area requires it. Your emotions may still be challenged but will largely clear up by
early December. For the whole month, it is wise to play things financially conservatively.

Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): November 2023 begins with tension in
the air when it comes to your romantic life, money coming to you through the workplace,
and health, so it would be wise to focus on those areas as the month begins. Even though
your emotions may be out of sorts, this will only last a few days. With the right focus,
you may put yourself in a position for long-term business success by being proactive.
This is also a good time to pick up a side job for the extra cash. As the month continues,
things may go from rolling along nicely to being full of challenges, especially when it
comes to communication and spirituality. For the last week of the month or so, your
psychic skills may be stronger than normal, as will your emotions, but these can be too
much of a good thing. Having a creative outlet for the extra energy would be smart to
develop if you don’t have one already.

These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill
Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author,
clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many
kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and
development. For more information, consult his website,, and
feel free to email him at .

Coffee & Convo w/ Mickie Mueller – Halloween Traditions 11:30 am Saturday, October 28th

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Join us for Coffee & Convo hosted by Mickie Mueller, the author of Llewellyn’s Little Book of Halloween at 11:30 am on Saturday, October 28th. Bring your favorite brew (coffee/tea) to enjoy while discussing Halloween traditions. Oh, and did we mention, it’s free!!!

At 2 pm, Mickie will be teaching Magick with the Symbols of Samhain. It’s just and hour long and free, too!!! Our anniversary weekend is going to be absolutely magical!!!

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