Author Archive

New Smudge Wands!

Category: Featured Item
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Check out our new collection of smudge wands — stunning creations of turkey, pheasant, macaw, & parrot feathers with leather wrapped handles and copper-wired crystals to add an energetic punch.  They’re great for wafting the smoke of your incense or sage bundle into all the corners and hard-to-reach places that could use some energetic cleansing.   Reiki practitioners and other energy workers also find them a a great way to help clear out the energetic ick we all accumulate going through daily life.  Beauty and function in one — what’s not to love?

Interested in Astrology?? Come on DOWN!!!

Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Image may contain: night

Astrology 101 Series

If you’ve ever wondered what the stars know about you that you don’t, you might want to stop in at HBS on Saturday, July 15 for the first of a 4-part Introduction to Astrology series with Lexi Huff.  Over the four workshops that make up this series, Lexi will be explaining the signs, the planets, astrological houses and planetary aspects — AND give you the chance to not only review and interpret your OWN chart, but also to put your new understandings to use by reviewing someone else’s!  If you already have your chart, bring it with you.  If you’ve never had one prepared, e-mail Lexi at before the first class and she’ll prepare one for you.  Cost for each class is just $20, but seating is somewhat limited so to be SURE you get to take advantage of this opportunity, best to call and reserve your seat.

What if you can’t make the first workshop but want to attend the others?  (Which by the way are on August 19, September 16, and October 21)  No problem, assuming seats are still available. Lexi is teaching each class as a stand-alone workshop so take advantage of the ones you CAN attend even if you can’t make them all.

Eclipse Basics

In case you’ve been living in a cave and haven’t heard, August is the month CoMo gets to experience a full solar eclipse — KIND of a rare event.  If you’d like to hear a bit about the astrological and metaphysical energies that come sweeping along with a solar eclipse, mark your calendar to attend the Coffee & Conversation on Saturday, August 19 (10:30-11:30 am).  Lexi Huff will be leading the discussion that day on All Things Eclipse-related, so you can be prepared to ride the tide with the best of them.

Natal Charts, Solar Return Charts, Couple’s Charts, & more….

If you’d like to dig deeper,  some one-on-one time with astrologer, Lexi Huff, may be just what the metaphysician ordered.   Lexi is doing astrological readings at HBS the first and third Thursday of each month starting August 22.  Each reading is $60 and lasts for one hour.  She can walk you through your very own Natal (Birth) chart, show you what the stars have to say is coming up for you THIS year with a Solar Return chart (always cool to do around your birthday) or yes, even do a couple’s chart with you and your sweetie so you can finally understand WHY s/he insists on being so ___________ [fill in the blank].   To schedule a reading, call HBS at 573-777-6771.  You’ll need to provide your birthdate, time, and place at the time you make your appointment so she can prepare your chart in advance of your reading.

Books, Books, and yes, more Books …

And whether you’re a lifelong astrologer yourself or brand new to the topic, we have books you WILL want to check out. Just a few on the list include:

The Zodiac by Degrees
Planetary Aspects
Astrology and the Rising of the Kundalini
The Complete Book of Chart Rectification
Moon Phase Astrology
Your Astrological Moon Sign
Houses of the Horoscope
Intuition and Your Sun Sign
The Astrology of Fate
Rules of the Horoscope
The Asteroid Goddesses
Cosmic Astrology
Kabbalistic Astrology
Astrology for Writers
Mayan Astrology
Astrology in Ancient Mesopotamia
Taoist Astrology
Chinese Astrology
Cherokee Astrology
Astrology for Your Soul
Astrology for Lovers
Venus Signs
Cosmic Love
and even Blame Your Planet, Bad Birthdays, He’s Just Not in the Stars, and Horrorscopes

See?  I knew you’d want to come check it out.  It was in the stars.

Kacy is leaving us … :-(

Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Kacy Howell is leaving HBS!   🙁

Kacy Howell, who has been a part of Heart, Body, & Soul since not long after we opened — first as a regular customer and then as staff — is heading off to North Carolina to start a new adventure.  (Apparently she took all the talk around here about the importance of pursuing your dreams to heart and is actually DOING it, to our chagrin!)  Her last day at HBS will be this coming Wednesday, June 28, so if you want to say your good-byes and wish her well on her next chapter, be sure to swing by!!

(And yes, this also means that the New Moon monthly series she was leading will be cancelled.  But she WILL still be available to offer astrological insights long-distance.)

The Crystal Grid Experience is Coming Back!

Category: Coffee & Conversation, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

If you love the energy of crystals and want to explore more — or you have no idea what all the hoopla about the energy of crystals is about and would like to find out — you’ll want to mark your calendar for July 22 & 23rd.  Lynn Wobig, the resident Crystal Healer at HBS, will be leading a Coffee & Convo on Saturday morning, July 22, talking about the power and purposes of crystal grids as a lead-in to the next day’s chance to come experience them for yourself!

We will have 10 crystal grids laid out in the Studio, each surrounding a yoga mat and large enough for a person to lay down inside.  The crystals for each grid will be chosen to boost a particular kind of energy — e.g. Strength, or Joy, or Creativity.  Each hour, we will usher in 10 people who will get to rotate through each of the grids, spending 5 minutes soaking up the energy of each grid before moving on to the next one.  As those who’ve had a chance to do this before will tell you, the energy from these grids can blow you away.

Space IS limited though, so advance registration is strongly encouraged.  If you get lucky and happen to show up for a round that isn’t already full, we’re happy to accept walk-ins, but if you want to make SURE you get to experience the power of these grids — and why wouldn’t you?? — you’ll want to call ahead and reserve your space.  The Coffee & Convo is free and the Crystal Grid Experience is just $15.

Hope to see you all there!

HBS makes Columbia Business Hall of Fame!

Category: Blog
Author: heartbodyandsoul

We should post a sign:  “Beware … bragging ahead.”

But is it bragging, if it’s just a true fact??  We think not.

True Fact:  We have the best customers in the world, bar none.  We are constantly in awe at the great community that has built up here and, if we are Columbia’s “Best Metaphysical Supply Store” (and if it’s on a plaque, it must be true, right??),  it is unquestionably thanks to all of you out there who so generously share of your time, talents (and yes, money — we do have to pay the rent after all!) to create the wonderful experience that has become HBS.

So high fives all round, crew!

New Leather Journals Are in!

Category: Featured Item
Author: heartbodyandsoul

New leather journals have arrived –with fabulous tooled designs front and back and many with handmade paper, to boot.  There’s just something about a new leather journal — apart from the smell, which has Michelle and Kayla sniffing them on a regular basis.  We have the large sketchbook size, the more typical ‘book size’, all the way down to small 3×4 ones you can tuck in your pocket for your walk.

Treat yourself and leave a legacy at the same time.  Your thoughts are worth it.  Truly.  (Okay, it also works for grocery lists and random phone numbers, but … hey. )

Crystal Grid Oracle Cards!

Category: Blog, Staff Picks
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Not only do these oracle cards give you insight into the energies of your day or what’s at play in your question, they also show you the crystals to work with AND how to set up the grid to bring that vibration into your life! A brand new product that is a staff fave already, be sure to check them out the next time you’re in to see us.  

Christopher Penczak is coming back to HBS!

Category: New News, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Internationally acclaimed Pagan author Christopher Penczak is coming back to HBS — not once, not twice, but three times!   He’ll be here in June for a book-signing and workshop on the topic of his latest book, The Casting of Spells, in November for a workshop on The Mighty Dead, and in October, 2018 for a weekend intensive on Ascension Magick.  Read on for more details!

Christopher is a Witch, teacher, writer and healing practitioner. His practice draws upon the foundation of both modern and traditional Witchcraft blended with the wisdom of mystical traditions from across the globe as a practitioner and teacher of shamanism, tarot, Reiki healing, herbalism, astrology and Qabalah.

He is the founder of the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and system of magickal training based upon the material of his books and classes. He is an ordained minister primarily serving the New Hampshire and Massachusetts pagan and metaphysical communities through public rituals, private counsel and teaching, though he travels extensively teaching throughout the United States.

His newest book, The Casting of Spells, was just nominated for a prestigious COVR Award — an award presented annually in the ‘Mind-Body-Spirit’ product industry by the Coalition of Visionary Resources and when you get a chance to read it, you’ll see why!

 The Mighty Dead Book Signing & Workshop

Thursday, November 9, 2017
Book Signing 6:30 – 7:00
Workshop 7:00-9:30 ($30 … get registered early!)

Traditions across the world honor and recognize the sanctified dead; not just the ancestors of flesh and blood we knew in life, but the ancestors of our spiritual traditions who died in a state of alignment and union with the divine.  Known as Bodhisattvas, Saints, Ascended Masters, Secret Chiefs, and Inner Plane Adepts in other traditions, witches know our ancestors as the Hidden Company or The Mighty Dead.  In truth, they are the guiding principles of our modern tradition, as inner world priests and priestesses to the gods.  They consist of our elders in the modern and ancient world, united in the ecstatic dance of the Witch’s Sabbat.  Learn to understand the nature of the Mighty Dead and how to work directly with them for your own healing and evolution and in your work in the worlds of flesh and spirit.  Work with ancestral altars, oracular skulls, and spiritual merging.  Learn to find guides, teachers, healers, and partners within the order of the Mighty Dead.


Ascension Magick Weekend Intensive

October 13-14 (Sat & Sun), 2018
Cost is $215

Ascension Magick is a system of magickal practice for spiritual evolution, drawing from the wisdom of traditional western magick, Qabalah, Wicca and shamanism, as well as the traditions of Theosophy, lightwork and eastern spirituality.  Deeply explore the modern mythos and practices of Ascension Magick during this weekend intensive experience.  Understand the path of the ascended masters, and how to invoke their allies in the angelic, faery and starry worlds.  Explore the nine dimensions of light, from the heart of Mother Earth to the great Central Sun of the cosmos.  Experience the magick of the seven rays, their masters and their archangels.  Use the power of the seven rays in ritual and meditation to transform yourself and the world  Learn to invoke the Mahatma energy for healing and personal evolution.  Explore the Great Ages of humanity, and learn your soul’s first age in this world.  Discovery your soul’s story to find your plane in the New Aeon.  Explore the pitfalls of ascension spirituality, facing your fear and your shadow self, to fully integrate love and harmony in your self identity.  Learn to partner with your own soul, the ascended masters and all your allies in the spiritual realms to manifest and sustainable harmony here on Earth.

Ready to learn how to navigate yourself to higher performance?

Category: Blog, Speaker in the Spotlight
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Adrian Campbell, M.A., is a Certified Professional Coach, Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master, and a U.S. Coast Guard Veteran. Her Training and experience in Jungian Psychology, Lumerian crystal healing, essential oils, dream work, and oracle card reading lends a special twist to her practice and keeps every session individualized and unique. She holds degrees in Electrical  Science and Psychology, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Depth Psychology with a Somatic Emphasis at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Adrian’s research and work focuses on the importance of psyche and energy in everyday life.

Coming up March 4th, Adrian will be teaching The Energy Leadership Index: Discover Your Energetic Resonating Level and Its Impact On Your Life.  This workshop will include a personalized 20-page Energy Leadership Index assessment report, completed online before the workshop, (normally a $450 value in and of itself!). Adrian will review the seven levels of leadership, walk you through the findings of your assessment — including how much of your energy is in the ‘catabolic-suppressing’ range and how much in the ‘anabolic-inspirational’ range — and show you how you can actually alter your energy index to move yourself into a higher level of leadership performance. There are no limits to the personal growth you can achieve with the right tools.

Cost is $160, which includes the personalized E.L.I. assessment. Registration closes March 2, in order to ensure time for the pre-workshop assessment to be completed and analyzed. A non-refundable deposit of $90 must be paid at time of registration, with the remainder due by the start of the class.

And the following weekend of March 11th & 12th, Adrian will be teaching Holy Fire Reiki Intensive levels 1 & 2.  To see more about Adrian, check out

Mardi Gras Celebration!!!

Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul

Mark your calendars for the second-annual HBS Mardi Gras Celebration!!
Sunday, February 26, from 12:30 – 6:00 pm. It’s a P-A-R-T-Y!!  So don your Mardi Gras finery and come join us for a celebration of all things Carnival — live music, King Cake, lots of crazy games, door prizes, and all-around good times.  What’s not to love???  See you soon. 🙂


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