Category: Featured Item
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Introducing a whole new kind of not-quite-devotional candles: Everyday Icons! Intricately decorated glass jar pillar candles, penned with prayers … to Our Lady of Abundant Caffeine (YES!!), Our Lady of the Bowling League, and Our Lady of Perpetual Youth … or Housekeeping.
Here you will find a candle with the Prayer for Unbridled Fun:
I surrender to the power of your laughter and beseech you to grace my life with lots of friends willing to dress up in silly hats and feather boas and make fools of themselves in public. Grant me the freedom not to care what others think, even if they point and stare. Bestow upon me a family who encourages me in my revelry and occasionally cleans the house while I’m away. And please, I beg of you, shower me with carefree fun for as long as I walk, sashay, boogie, or strut across this earth. Amen.
There’s a candle for Protection From the Boss From Hell and Dysfunctional Family Relief. A Procrastinator’s Prayer and one for Positive Cash Flow. Protection From Bad Hair Days, Home Renovation Relief, and one for IMMEDIATE Alien Abduction. It could take you days to check them all out, there are so many fun choices. There’s even one to Our Lady of Triumphant Drag Queens.
The perfect choice, whether you just need something to make you smile in the midst of chaos or are looking for that unique and ideal gift … keeping in mind that discretion is the better part of valor and HBS is not responsible for what may happen if you decide to give the Dysfunctional Mother candle to your mother.
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
This is it! The GRAND OPENING is upon us — October 31! We’ve been pulling together all of our favorite things and people to make it a great day, so we hope you’ll come out and join us. Door prizes, free classes, super-discounted mini-healing sessions, Tarot-readings, live music, food, costumes, and treats … Doors open at 10 am! Read on for the full scoop (’cause you ARE gonna want to plan your day accordingly. Just sayin’!)
DOOR PRIZES TO DIE FOR …. [Mwah-ha-ha!!]
Oracle decks, a Djembe Drum, Tai Chi Classes, a free Reiki session, jewelry, candles, juju bags, goodies from our vendors Nuwati and Frontier Herbs and even a free overnight stay at Sapattu Retreat Center in Jefferson City. (Many thanks to our generous donors: Emelie Thibodeaux, Mary Cruise, Barbara King, Nancy & Roger Tanner-Thies, Nuwati, and Frontier Herbs!) And everyone who makes a purchase over $50 will also get a free incense pack.
And the Grand Prize will be a $100 Gift Certificate to Heart, Body, & Soul! Could it be yours???
And closing out our day at 8 pm: An Open Samhain Ritual.
Samhain [Sow-en] is one of many traditions honoring ancestors and loved ones who have crossed to the other side of the veil this time of year, along with the Dia de la Muerte, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day, to name a few. This particular Samhain ritual celebration and meditation, led by Nancy & Roger Tanner-Thies, is free of charge and open to all traditions and faith paths. As the nights grow longer and the light shorter, join us in remembering those on whose shoulders we now stand — and the legacy we are creating as the ancestors of those to follow. (And be sure to visit our Ancestor Altar here at HBS when you’re in and drop a glass bead, along with your blessing or prayer for your loved ones who have passed, into the Tree of Life bowl.)
Clare Connors
Maribeth Eiken
Tim Gallagher
and possibly another surprise guest or two!
Category: Coffee & Conversation, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Now that we’ve got our first week behind us (yay!), all the fun classes & workshops are getting started. You know — as much fun as the stuff at Heart, Body, & Soul is (and, trust us, it is FUN!!), it was the idea of offering classes & workshops that just aren’t available anywhere else that had us pulling the trigger on creating Heart, Body, & Soul. So it’s super-exciting to see them starting to roll off the line:
Starting on Thursday, Oct 15 we have back-to-back unique YOGA classes: First you can ‘SHAKE YOUR ASANA” with Josie from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. and get that blood moving again. (Cause hey — by Thursday, we all need an energy boost, right??) And when you’re done and pumped, take a break, have some tea, browse the stacks and play with some of the fun stuff in the shop for a few minutes, then join Adrian for a relaxing, meditative session of YOGA NIDRA from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. The perfect Yogic Combo, for just $10 each. Ahhhhhh…………………..
Friday, Oct 16, we have READINGS available from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Meagan Keeler will be here offering walk-in Tarot readings OR (with advance registration), astrological readings. (Those take a BIT more time to prepare, so you need to give her a heads up if you want one.) Just call the shop or e-mail us here at the shop and we’ll get you hooked up.
Saturday, Oct 17, we kick off the day with CHAKRA DANCE! So excited about this one — Adrian is the only licensed Chakra Dance instructor in the state of MO and it is such a cool experience, mixing dance and meditation to open those chakras. (And don’t worry — absolutely no dance experience or talent required. We promise!) 10:30-11:15 a.m. $15.
Sunday, Oct 18, we host our first national presenter, TESS WHITEHURST at 1:00 p.m. talking about Honing Your Intuition with flowers. Yes, it really does work. Really. (She also has a lush new oracle deck — The Magic of Flowers — that made even Cat salivate, and she’s the one who kills every plant she touches.) A mere $25 gets you 90 minutes that could shift your life. Who wouldn’t want THAT?? 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
And, last but certainly not least, you can close out your weekend at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday with WIND-DOWN YOGA with Josie, releasing all that does not serve and getting clear for the week ahead. Just $10.
Of course, if you don’t want to do anything but sit in a comfy chair and read, or sip a cup of yummy tea and color in an adult color book … we gotcha covered there, too. 🙂
See ya soon!
Category: Blog
Author: heartbodyandsoul
All the hard work, long nights, eye rubbing and hysterical laughter from too much caffeine has paid off. This past Sunday, we officially opened our doors to the public. There were folks lined up at the door, souls filled the carpet, the space, and the air above; some attached to humans, some not. There was laughter lining the walls, connections between humans and humans, humans and books, and humans and stones. The energy was alive, abundant and overwhelming in the best way possible. We tampered with the computer and printer in annoyance, but these things were greeted with patience by each customer as they extended their understanding.
We constantly joke about how opening a business during Mercury In Retrograde was one of the darndest decisions we ever did make, but all-in-all, we would not have asked for anything to have gone differently.
We are exactly where we need to be.
Columbia, thank you for being our home.
Category: Blog
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Our very first sale — the lovely Kay Fair and owner Deborah Carney, sealing the deal. Definitely the start of a beautiful relationship. 🙂
Category: New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Happy Dances all round! We’re so excited to welcome Tess Whitehurst to Heart, Body, & Soul as our inaugural guest speaker. Tess is an award-winning author, Feng Shui consultant, and intuitive counselor, with six published books (translated into nine languages, no less), a host of published articles, and appearances on Fox, NBC, and Bravo under her belt. Her fun and accessible presentation of ancient, sacred wisdom is a delight for all AND she’s bringing it to Heart, Body, & Soul!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 18 — 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Tess will be teaching you how to work with flowers to enhance your psychic abilities, in a presentation called Blossoming Your Intuition. Turns out — just like totem and spirit animals — flowers don’t have to be physically present for us to draw upon their magical and spiritual energies. So flowers may be fading in the outer world as the wheel of the year turns, BUT these wise ‘gurus of the garden’ are STILL available to us and perfectly suited to support our intuitive work, enhance our understanding, and lend strength to our inner knowing.
In this fun workshop — surrounding the release of Tess’ new Magic of Flowers Oracle Deck (!!) — you’ll learn to employ the wisdom of the flowers to discover important information about your life path, divine answers to your questions (you KNOW you have them!), to shield yourself from negativity (’cause who needs THAT in their life??), receive emotional and energetic healing and infuse your life with joy. Sounds good, doesn’t it???
$25 for the workshop, payable at the door. (But if you want to absolutely ENSURE yourself a spot, you may want to register in advance. Just stop by the shop (and shop!?) and get on the list. (And while you’re here, you can check out Tess’ other books: Magical Housekeeping, The Good Energy Book, The Art of Bliss, Magical Fashionista, and of course — The Magic of Flowers!)
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
Do you ever feel like something was just supposed to happen and you were lucky enough to be the one in the right place and the right time to bring it about? Yeah. That.
That’s what opening Heart, Body, & Soul feels like. Synchronicities are off the chart. Things are falling into place right and left and sideways, blowing our minds on a regular basis.
We try to buy some badly-needed jewelry cases, cringing at the cost — and the deal falls through. A few weeks later, the Universe delivers not one, but two jewelry cases — TWO — each more than twice the size of the one that got away, custom-built, solid oak, gorgeous — for FREE. ‘Just move ’em outta here and they’re yours.’
We needed a yoga instructor. In walks one.
We wanted an astrologist. Here she is.
Our own personal Feng Shui consultant (AND a soon-to-be teacher of classes on the subject here at HBS) — check.
We’re not even open and not a day goes by that people aren’t stopping in — called in by the words on the windows or the rumors floating round town about who we are and what we’re about. Some tell us this place is exactly what they’ve been looking for. One said she was driving the two hours back here the night before we opened to camp in the parking lot and ensure her spot as first in the day we opened. (Who knew — we have groupies!!).
Some stop by to share their gifts with us — and through us, with you. Fabulous organic oils & sprays & care products they’ve crafted. Books they’ve written. CD’s they’ve recorded. Classes they’ve taught before, elsewhere, and would love to teach again: Yoga Therapy and Yoga Nidra. Shake Your Assana and Wind-Down Yoga. Astrology Through the Seasons. Infinite Possibilities. A Course in Miracles. The Artist’s Way. Herbs. Chakra Dance. Tai Chi. Five Element Theory. Kirtan Chanting. New Moon Women’s Drum Circles, and First Sunday of the Month Drum Circles for all. The list just keeps growing … and we simply scramble to keep up.
When the flow is this strong … let’s just say it’s a very good clue we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be. Not because of us. But because of all of you. We just get to be the midwives bringing it into the world.
Best seat in the house.
Category: Testimonials
Author: heartbodyandsoul
When I walk into Heart Body and Soul, I feel the love and chi. The new studio is awesome. I have room to do my favorite move — Send it Slantedly Flying — expansively. The candles in front of the mirrors add to the aura. The floor makes the foot moves and turns easy. I do part of the class from a chair. There is room to leave the chair in the middle of the floor so the class moves around me and I feel a part of the class.
Category: Blog, New News
Author: heartbodyandsoul
The newest addition to the Heart, Body, & Soul family is … a 100-year-old baby grand piano! Not that we play. Or that we have delusions of growing up to be a new CoMo concert venue (okay, maybe a little, but …). You see, we happened to be walking down Broadway in the District one warm summer evening as a very talented musician sat outside playing at the old upright on the sidewalk outside Tellers.
We stopped to listen and Deb said, “That is SO cool. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a piano at the shop? Where people could just come in and play? I think we should put it out the Universe that we want a PIANO.” [Grandiose swishes of the arms toward the sky.]
Cat’s soul-filled response: “Yeah, fine. Whatever. You do that.”
48 hours later, we were hunting up used bookcases (we ARE a bookstore after all, even though we do now have a piano) and found ourselves at CoMo’s House of Treasures — a flea market aficionado’s dream. Rounding a corner, we found an old beat-up, upright piano.
Deb: “There’s our piano!”
Cat, (who had tortured a piano teacher for several years in her youth) ran a scale up the keys. “You might want to clarify to the Universe that it needs to be a playable piano.”
Deb dutifully clarified her request to the Universe –[slightly more muted swishes of the arms toward the ceiling] — and the bookcase quest continued.
Having scored several fun finds, we headed down the last aisle back to the checkout counter … and there, back to back, were two baby grand pianos.
Deb gasped in delight. Cat tried the keyboard of the one facing the aisle and everyone within earshot winced.
“Go try the other one,” Deb urged. So Cat climbed round the crammed collection of furniture, eventually emerging at the keyboard of a lovely old black baby grand. She played a few chords.
We looked at each other in stunned silence for a beat. Then Deb said, “Should I go ask how much it is?”
Cat shrugged, a little nervously, and off Deb went, returning soon with the manager in tow.
He gave us the price. It was a good price. A really good price. About half of what Cat had personally paid for a similar baby grand some twenty years ago, in her previous life — but still more than we could swing in our current one. We had bookcases to buy after all. And books. Cause we’re a BOOKstore.
“OR … you can make me an offer,” the manager said.
We looked at each other.
Deb threw out a number — half of what he’d quoted.
Well, crap.
And that’s how we came to be a bookstore with a 100-year-old baby grand piano. And next time Deb says she wants to put something out to the Universe … Cat is going to pay a LOT more attention before agreeing. I mean … she really likes giraffes, you know? Gotta be careful.
In the meantime, if you happen to play the piano … we have one waiting for you. (And yes, it IS completely awesome! Even Cat agrees.)