We are big believers in the importance of paying it forward and giving back — being contributors to the community of which we are a part. So every month we choose a charity to receive our Good Karma Coffee Collection.
For those of you new to our shop, you’ll find a Good Karma Coffee collection box in our coffee area and also at the check-out counter. Each month a different member of the Staff chooses the recipient for that month’s donations — which is always posted at each of the donation boxes so you know exactly where every cent of your contributions are going.
Since opening, we’ve raised over $8,000 for some very worthwhile causes. What can we say? You guys are the most generous, gifted, and love-giving people we know. We are excited to continue partnering with our Tribe to spread kindness beyond our doors. Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
For more information or to suggest a charity we might consider in the future, just visit with any of us behind the HBS Counter. And many blessings on your collective heads.