Celebrations! Or … not …

February is a month of celebrations:  First comes Mardi Gras (and be sure to drop by the shop to participate in the fun stuff we have planned Sat, 2/6 in honor of the occasion!) and then comes Valentine’s Day.  We actually have two Valentine’s Day displays:  the more traditional romantic one — filled with lovely Rose Quartz, Emerald, & Aventurine, candles charged for Attraction / Love / Soul Mate, astrology books for lovers and those seeking to learn what lessons the planet of love holds for them given her placement in their own astrological chart.  Books on Energies of Love and the Science of Attraction.  All fun stuff.  (And yes, we have lots of great gift possibilities for the special someone in your life!)

And then we have the ‘anti-Valentine’s Day’ table.  Smaller. Off to the side.  Standing a little more by itself.  Kind of like many of us when it comes to Valentine’s Day — or even big crowd celebrations in general.  This one calls it like it is with books like “I’ve Seen Your Future and He’s Not In it” and “Emotional Bullshit.”  Slightly kinder but equally realistic books on healing broken hearts, moving on after divorce and coming to terms with the fact that co-dependence and love aren’t the same thing. This table holds candles that go “Poof!” or threaten to send out the Flying Monkeys  — or at least offer a lovely flame to that wishful thinking.

The thing is … life is both of these displays.  For all of us.  Nobody escapes a broken heart.  We will all cry and we will all laugh.  We will all love and we will all mourn.  The wheel turns.  For those of you in a place to dance in the streets this Mardi Gras, may the joy of celebration fill your soul.  For those of you filled with the love of and for that someone special this Valentine’s Day, savor it to its fullest.  And for those not in a place of celebration this year, who find themselves drawn to that Anti-Valentine’s Day table, consider taking a page from that fabulously wise poet, Mr. David Whyte:

“When your eyes are tired the world is tired also. When your vision has gone no part of the world can find you. Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own. There you can be sure you are not beyond love. . . . Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you. ”

David Whyte

Blessings on all your heads.


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