Time to Get Your 2016 Astrological Calendar!

I’m a lazy amateur asAstrological Calendar2trologist.  (Or is it astrologer?)   I find the topic fascinating and invariably on point.  Love to work with those more knowledgeable than me who can connect the dots and create the pictures that are oh-so-familiar and at the same time oddly eye-opening.  (“Of COURSE that’s me.  That’s EXACTLY me.  Why didn’t I SEE that??”)  I buy astrology books and skim them, flipping to the parts that match my chart and nodding sagely as I once again see myself laid out there in New Times Roman font and squiggly astrological symbols.

But then there’s the whole putting-all-that-knowledge-to-use part.  I envy those able to recognize and point out the impact of sextiles and squares and Jupiterian transits on my chart … but not enough to put in the work to get there myself.  Just a fact.  I’m sure the reason for it is buried in my natal chart somewhere if I knew where to look.  I don’t.

But I HAVE found a wonderful resource that I can highly recommend:  Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide.  For those of you who do understand Grand Trines and the impact of Plutonian retrogrades … you can find all that stuff in here, too.  You who want the data to figure out the puzzle on your own will find what you need here.   But for the rest of us, this guide ALSO has  the Cliff Notes version:  a weekly ‘highlights’ reel, with weekly summaries of the planetary energies at play, signposts to opportunity periods and warnings on when to tread lightly because tempers are likely to be on trigger point all round. Picking a wedding date?  Looking at when to sign a contract, take the plunge on that new project, plan a trip?  You can find out what the astrological weather looks like even if you do always confuse the symbols for Virgo and Scorpio.  (Because really — why would they both look like ‘M’s’ anyway??)

And hey — congrats to us all for having survived the seven Uranus-Pluto squares that rocked the world from 2012-2015!  Whatever that is.


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